Friday 26 December 2014

Part 2 - Surah Kaf, Cause of revelation, Dr.Yasir Qadhi

Part 2.1-Cause-of-Revelation, Dr-Yasir-Qadhi

-The primary theme of this Surah is to show that Allah swt protect all those who turn to him for protection. 

-It has many blessings in it. 

Discussing the name of Surah:
-The name Kahf is mentioned by Prophet Muhammad SAW . 
- And, it has similarity with the theme. 
-Cave  symbolically represent protection. It is where Allah swt protected Prophet Muhammad SAW & it is where Quran revealed. 
-And,it is similar to theme(Protection)  that Allah swt has discussed in the Surah .

Narration From Tafseer:
Ibn Kathir has mentioned the reason for the Surah to be revealed is that....

-Quraish never heard even a word from the book of people till Prophet Muhammad SAW started to preach. 
-Hence, when they consulted with the elders, the elders advised them to go to Jews from Yathrib,  and to ask from them on ...
1) what is Prophet?
2) And, how we will know on who is the Prophet. What are the signs of true Prophet?

-So,they went  all the way to Yathrib which is medinah. And, they told them that there is a man from them who claim to be a nabi and inquire them on how to find out if he is telling the truth or not.
-They informed them to test Prophet Muhammad SAW with three questions:
1) What is the story of young men who fled with seeking protection of Allah.  
2) What is the story of the King who Alah blessed with east to west( all the parts of the world)?
-The story of Dhul Qarnain
3) What is ru'uh(soul)?

They said that the third question is a trick question. And, they said that anybody answers it,  is not the Prophet. 

They informed that first two questions, he should know about it but not the third question.   The reason is that nobody knows what is ru'uh.

So,  delegates went to Quraish and informed them. And, they all went to Prophet and told him to answer to all this questions if he was truly a Prophet. 

Prophet Muhammad SAW is accustomed to Jibreel(as) coming in a certain time of a week to inform him about the revelation.  And, the time of the week ,was the next day .Hence, Prophet Muhammad SAW was expecting for Jibreel(as) and informed them to wait till the next day.
Prophet Muhammad SAW did not say 'In Shaa Allah', he was confident that it is going to happen. 
-Instead, of  next day, it was delayed.  Some records says that it was delayed for 3 days, while some says 15 days.
-And, Quraysh were happy because Prophet Muhammad SAW promised to tell them next day, but nothing is happening. 
-And, then Jibreel came with Surah Kahf and Surah Israa
-And, the answers for this questions were given in those Surahs. 

1) Question about young men
-The answer lies in the first part of Surah Kahf.
2) Question about Dhul Qarnain
-The answer is in the end of Surah Kahf

3) Question about Ru'uh
-Surah Israa , we can learn it from the Bani Israel
-"They ask you about Ru'uh"
-"Say, this Ru'uh is from Allah’s command and you have not been given any knowledge except for a small amount"

-Meaning that , we don't know about ru'uh. 
-And, scientifically till today, when they talk about ru'uh, scientists will say that it is beyond human understanding.

Part 2.2 -Surah-Al-Kahf-Part-2-Theme--Cause-of-Revelation---Dr-Yasir-Qadhi:

Interesting things about Surah Kahf:

1) If we have to count the words of Quran(some scholars,  MashAllah have done that), Surah Kahf is in the middle of Quran. 
-And , the words that are in the middle ,
"Be lat'eef"

lat'eef it has many meanings...
-being discreet,merciful, kind

2) It begins with the same things as the first part of Quran, that is ALHAMDULLILAH. The beginning & middle part of Quran begins with ALHAMDULLILAH

Al-Kahf : 1

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِىٓ أَنزَلَ عَلٰى عَبْدِهِ الْكِتٰبَ وَلَمْ يَجْعَل لَّهُۥ عِوَجَا ۜ

[All] praise is [due] to Allah, who has sent down upon His Servant the Book and has not made therein any deviance.

Al-Faatiha : 2

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعٰلَمِينَ

[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds 

3) At the end of Surah Israa , we can see that story is linked with the beginning of Surah Kahf.  

At, the end of Surah Israa. ....

Al-Israa : 111

وَقُلِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِى لَمْ يَتَّخِذْ وَلَدًا وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُۥ شَرِيكٌ فِى الْمُلْكِ وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُۥ وَلِىٌّ مِّنَ الذُّلِّ ۖ وَكَبِّرْهُ تَكْبِيرًۢا

And say, "Praise to Allah, who has not taken a son and has had no partner in [His] dominion and has no [need of a] protector out of weakness; and glorify Him with [great] glorification."

While, the beginning of the Surah Kahf begins by ...

Al-Kahf : 1

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِىٓ أَنزَلَ عَلٰى عَبْدِهِ الْكِتٰبَ وَلَمْ يَجْعَل لَّهُۥ عِوَجَا ۜ

[All] praise is [due] to Allah, who has sent down upon His Servant the Book and has not made therein any deviance.

Both is saying to praise Allah swt,and they are linked together.


Al-Kahf : 1

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِىٓ أَنزَلَ عَلٰى عَبْدِهِ الْكِتٰبَ وَلَمْ يَجْعَل لَّهُۥ عِوَجَا ۜ

[All] praise is [due] to Allah, who has sent down upon His Servant the Book and has not made therein any deviance.

Al-Kahf : 2

قَيِّمًا لِّيُنذِر
َ بَأْسًا شَدِيدًا مِّن لَّدُنْهُ وَيُبَشِّرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ الَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ الصّٰلِحٰتِ أَنَّ لَهُمْ أَجْرًا حَسَنًا

[He has made it] straight, to warn of severe punishment from Him and to give good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a good reward

-It is a beautiful word. 
-There is other words in Arabic used for thank you, shukr etc.
-However, this word has specific meanings.

-The word madhee-ha means flatter.  And, most of the time madheha is used in a false sense , to impress someone.
-Madhe-ha can be done for truth and falsehood.  
-Madeha can be done to get favour from the one you are doing Madeha to. 
-Madeha could be lie , false or could be truth. 

-This is only done if something good has been done to you.
-If, somebody does good to you, you say "shukran".
-Shukran is an exchange.  

-As, for Alhamdu it has nothing to do with shukr.
-You are praising someone because they are worthy of praise. 
-So, hamdu is broader and specific
-Hamdu is broader because it does not matter to what goodness you have received.  
-Hamdu is specific as you have to praise only the one is worthy of receiving praise.
-It is because of the other person/one & not because of you.
-It is different from Madeha, as madeha can be used so that you could receive something from the person.
-Alhamdullilah, used only for the one who is worth of worship.  

So, why do we praise him here?
-It is because he is the one who have revealed upon his Abd, the Quran.

-Quran is so powerful of miracle and Allah swt is worthy of praise due to Quran. 
-Just because we have Quran , we should say Alhamdulillah. 
-This is the most beautiful blessing that Allah swt blessed the world with & we are thanking , praising Allah for sending the Quran.
-Allah swt has  mentioned in other verses as well
"All blessings to the one who has revealed Furqan"
-So , we praise Allah for revealing the book.


Al-Kahf : 1

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِىٓ أَنزَلَ عَلٰى عَبْدِهِ الْكِتٰبَ وَلَمْ يَجْعَل لَّهُۥ عِوَجَا ۜ

[All] praise is [due] to Allah, who has sent down upon His Servant the Book and has not made therein any deviance.

Ala Abdihi:
-Allah swt mentions the recipient of the book.

-it is commonly translated as a slave.  
-However, the real meaning of Abd is not slave. The real meaning of Abd is worshipper. 
-The reason is that highest praise of any human will be worshipping Allah. No human will be exalted unless he humbles in front of Allah. 
-The more you humble in front of Allah,the more honoured you are. 
-The one who has achieved the height of humble in front of Allah, it is our Prophet Muhammad SAW. 
-So, when Allah says my Abd, this is highest praise that Allah can give to any creation.  He is saying this is my worshipper, he has worshipped like no one has worshipped me. 
-And, if you noticed , our Prophet(saw) is being referred as Abd in the most honoured places of Quran. 
-For example , in Surah Baqarah, our Prophet saw is being defended .When Allah swt praises him with the greatest gift given , Israa Mi'raj, he uses the word Abd to refer Prophet Muhammad SAW.  
-When , defending , raising the status, talking about the Maqam of Prophet Muhammad SAW , in all of this places, Allah uses the word ,Abd. 

-It has two meanings.  
1) It is book
2) Katb with sukoon means large amount. Kateeba means large group of men who are on expedition.  
The meanings of Kitaab, this book has alot of wisdom, information.  This book has been written down.Both of this meanings apply to Quran. The Kitaab that has been recited and written down..

Walam Yajaallahu iwaja:
-There is no crookedness in the book. 
-This give us proof that the book and risala of Prophet Muhammad SAW are linked together. 
Allah is saying that I have sent this book to my Abd. How we will know that this is the book that was sent to Abd?
-We have to examine the book..
-The book is the credentials of the rasool (saw)

How, we will know whether Islam is true? The miracle of Prophet Muhammad? 
-Look at the book.

What is the sign of the book?
-There is nothing strange about this book. 

Al-Kahf : 2

قَيِّمًا لِّيُنذِرَ بَأْسًا شَدِيدًا مِّن لَّدُنْهُ وَيُبَشِّرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ الَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ الصّٰلِحٰتِ أَنَّ لَهُمْ أَجْرًا حَسَنًا

[He has made it] straight, to warn of severe punishment from Him and to give good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a good reward

-It means straight and making other straight


Al-Kahf : 2

قَيِّمًا لِّيُنذِرَ بَأْسًا شَدِيدًا مِّن لَّدُنْهُ وَيُبَشِّرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ الَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ الصّٰلِحٰتِ أَنَّ لَهُمْ أَجْرًا حَسَنًا

[He has made it] straight, to warn of severe punishment from Him and to give good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a good reward

-The book is straight and it make others straight. 
-This is similar to the beginning of Surah Baqarah.

Al-Baqara : 2

ذٰلِكَ الْكِتٰبُ لَا رَيْبَ ۛ فِيهِ ۛ هُدًى لِّلْمُتَّقِينَ

This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah -

First negect the evil and then affirm the positive. Quran has no evil, and there is only positive.  

This book is going to warn the severe punishment from Allah and give glad tidings, good news to the ones who do good deeds , and they will have much more greater reward.

What is this reward?
-It is not explicitly mentioned but the next verse clarifies it.

Al-Kahf : 3

مّٰكِثِينَ فِيهِ أَبَدًا

In which they will remain forever

-They shall live in it ever. Therefore, the reward is Jannah. 
Notice that in these verses, Allah swt combines three fundamentals of Islam:
1) Taweed
2) Risala
3) Akhira

1) Tawheed:
-Allah swt praises himself

2) Risala:
-For revealing the book to the Prophet

3) Akhira:
-The ones who rejects the truth will be punished while the ones who accepts the truth will be rewarded.  

How concisely in a verse that is less than half , three fundamentals of Islam has been summarised. 

Also, do notice that three pilars of Eeman has been referred.  

What are three pilars of Eeman?
1) Loving Allah
2) Fearing Allah
3) Hoping in Allah
In a verses that is less than a half, Allah swt has summarised three pillars of Eeman. 

Loving Allah:
Alhamdullilah, as he is worthy of worship. We love Allah swt. 

Fearing Allah:
And, Quran , has warned about punishment, and we are scared about the punishment.

Hoping in Allah:
Quran talks about glad tidings so we hope for Allah’s rewards. 

Hence , Tawhid, Risala , Akhira , Loving Allah, Fearing Allah, Hoping in Allah are combined in a verse that is less than a half. 

Another point to take note:
-Allah swt never threatens except that he always give glad tidings as well. Never that Allah swt threatenes with punishment except that in the same context, he has good news. 

The Quran always have both of these together. 
-Taghrif( to make scared ), Tabsheer ( to give good news). Quran combines both of these, and we should learn as well that Islam always bring about two emotions.  We call it as a carrot and stick.  We need the carrot which is the incentive and the stick which is the punishment.  Quran combines between both of these. 

Final Point:
Allah swt mentions about Quran being the  ultimate criterion of him , the Prophet, risala, Qiyamah. All are linked to Quran. 

Another reminder that we Muslims always forget and need to be reminded:
The Quran is the ultimate proof of our religion.  If , somebody ask how we know Islam , Prophet is the truth?

-Our response should be immediately to state that it is the Quran. Quran is  the living miracle and it is a miracle in every sense.. in terms of its recitation, hearing, memorization, understanding, implementation.   Quran is the ultimate proof. And, Surah Kahf will bring this up over and over again.


Saturday 20 December 2014

Lecture 1: Life Of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Mufti Menk

Life Of Prophet Muhammad SAW

More parts to be continued...

Lecture-1.-Life-of-Prophet-Muhammad PBUH-Mufti-Menk.

We need to first thank Allah for the gifts that he swt has provided us...
1) Being the Mu'min
2) Being the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Importance of Learning the history of Prophet Muhammad SAW:

1) It increases the love for Prophet Muhammad SAW and his maker, Allah swt.

-We will learn on how Allah swt has chosen Prophet Muhammad SAW, and how he has chosen us to be his followers.

-Allah swt has favoured the believers by sending them a messenger from them. Allah swt further says "He (saw) did not utter anything from his desires , everything that he revealed is inspired by Allah swt. "

-We can also see that sometim
e Allah swt admonishes him. It is not because he(SAW) says something from his pocket. It is because Allah swt want us to learn from him so that if we make any error, we will know what to do.  Many of us will be feeling bad, if we receive any admonishment, and by learning from Prophet Muhammad SAW we will learn on how he reacted when he received the admonishment.

-Many of us harp on how Prophet Muhammad SAW is important to us. However, how can he be important to us if we do not learn about him,and his history?

-Hence, after learning the Seerah(history) of Prophet Muhammad & implementing his teachings , we will become better Muslims , to surrender ourself to our master, Allah.

2) Our love for his companions will increase.

-They were ready to give up their lives for Allah. And, in fact many of them did give up their lives for the sake of Allah.

-Allah says in Surah Ahzhab
"From amongs the men/believers, there are men who have fulfilled the promise to Allah/they have been truthful to Allah swt about their promises.

What is their promises?
-They were willing to give their lives for Allah, and some people have already done that,  while others were waiting to fulfill their promises.
-This ayat was revealed during the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

-May Allah swt help us at least sacrifice a bit of time , at least to fulfill our Salah.
-We read about people who passed away when  they are in their blessed positions, in their ruku, sujood , when they are in minbar.

However, do we even read our Salah? So, what chances do we have , to die in the position of sujood when we do not even make effort to do sajda. ?

By , learning the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad SAW , we will become regular with our duties to Allah swt. The reason is that we will be able to see how they achieve their success by following Prophet Muhammad SAW .

Allah swt has blessed us in so many ways-Ramadhan, Jumuah, with the Seerah Of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Importance Of learning the names, places in Seerah of Prophet Muhammad SAW:

-We all know the names of the football players  And, our children may even know the names of  their girlfriends(Astaghfirullah). Or , they may know the history of the top golfer, and we know what has happened to him. Our children will wear the shirts which displays the names of their favourite sport players, and they will wear it even
if it has devil shape in it. Or, they will even cut their hair like a baboon just because their favourite player has the same hairstyle.

-All of these are the Muslim children. However, when you ask them about the names of companions of Prophet Muhammad SAW, they will hardly able to say about them.

-May Allah swt enable us , and our children to learn  about the companions of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Role models:

"Indeed in the life of Prophet Muhammad SAW , there is a perfect example for those who are looking forward to meet Allah swt. And, those who are looking forward for last day"

How many of us are looking forward to meet Allah swt , Prophet Muhammad SAW and the others?
-Many of us are clinging to earth in a way that we surp the wealth of people, we are creating hatred to our own brothers and sisters just because of some dollars, cents. And, eventually it causes us to cut communication with them due to some monetary reason

We have Prophet Muhammad SAW has a Perfect...
1)  husband
2) father
3) Leader
-Even at times of war, he was being mentioned as just.
-He was merciful even at the times of war.
-Look at the time when he entered the Makkahtul mukharamah, the people of the Quraysh were shocked by the number of Muslims. And, Prophet Muhammad announced to them

"O the people of Quraish,  "O people who have killed my companions and my family, what do you think I am going to do with you all?"

Some of them were silent.  While, others said "You are a good man so we expect goodness from you" . The people became good to Prophet Muhammad SAW as they were in a state of mercy.

Mufti Menk example:
Mufti Menk mentioned when he was in the school, he had schoolmate who was thin, petite, and many people bullied him.  And, during the school holidays , the schoolmate went to gym and he became much more stronger. And, then people who used to bully him became scared of him , and they became nice to him. The reason is that they were in the state of mercy.

Then, Prophet Muhammad(saw) said "you are free & carry on with your work, I carry no retribution to you"- it is the exact thing Prophet Yusuf(Joseph) told his brothers .

How many of us are able to do the same thing to our own Muslim brothers & sisters?. We will find it difficult.  This is the reason that we should read Seerah of Prophet Muhammad SAW.  If read the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad SAW's seerah, it will soften our hearts .

Prophet Muhammad SAW was a judge & da'ee. How did he call people to Islam?
-He called people to goodness.

***Many of his companions memorised the Quran. How did he achieve that?***
-And, do take note that most of them were adults. 
-Nowdays, our children are memorizing the Quran(MashAllah). However, we have to beat them in order to memorize Quran. 
-And, many people think that hifdh(memorization of Quran) means a sheikh is sitting with a big, long stick.
-Where was the stick with Prophet Muhammad SAW ?, yet most of them memorised Quran, and they were adults. 
-It was adult literacy although they were not able to read-

Look at the love of Prophet Muhammad SAW with the people!

**Through Prophet Muhammad SAW seerah, we wil learn the beauty of Quran**.  
-The reasons for revelation as we all know that revelation came seperately and did not come down in a book form. It was revealed for 23 years.  
-As the incidents occur, verses came down. This is why we have to know the incidents in order to understand on why the ayats are being revealed. 
-IF, we know the reasons for it to be revealed,  we will smile while reading Quran as we know the names , places, on why it is revealed, and we will understand that it is a lesson for us. 

**We will learn how he was with his enemies***
- His own people pretend to be Muslims.
- An example: Abdullah Ibn Ubai.. And , Prophet Muhammad SAW dealt with him in a very professional way. 
-He(saw) put him in a corner and he was not able to move in any ways. 
-And, even the politicians will be able to learn from Prophet Muhammad SAW on how he dealt with the people.


"It is Allah who has sent a man who is unlettered & a messenger from them"

-The people were unlettered so Allah(swt) sent a messenger from them.
- It was big deal to read & write at that time. And, Allah says he sent a messenger from them. 
-Imagine a man who is unlettered, in the desert, no phone, no Internet, no television and no fax and no means of communication, yet he change the globe in few years. 
-And, now they are more than 2 billion people who follow the message of Prophet Muhammad SAW. 


-Look at the powerful message. 
-Imagine the regulation, customs that he followed. And,.he (saw) went to taeef , and was presecuted. 

***"Whenever , we are in difficulty, pick up the pages of Seerah, and read what has happened to him" ***
-And ,you will learn that he has suffered much more than us.
-And,  this is why Allah swt tells us with the blessed lips of Prophet Muhammad SAW in a hadith that

"Those who are tested the most are the one who loved Allah more"

.And , the next narration says that the ambiyyah tested the most , and then, the ones who closer to them in the example.

So, when you have problems in your life,to ease the difficulties, read the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad SAW. 

It is important to create a thirst in learning the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad SAW ,In order to learn about his character,conducts,beliefs,acts of his worship.

Aisha(RA) asked Prophet Muhammad SAW a question 

"You stand in the night for Salah until your feet are swollen and yet you have no sins,you will be entering paradise.  So, can't you rest a little bit"

Then, Prophet Muhammad SAW replied her

" O, Ayisha, can I don't be a thankful slave to Allah? " 

Prophet Muhammad saw knows the rank, status of him in Jannah but he still wanted to be thankful to Allah. 

Let's be honest...
We do read our Salah, however, we are sometimes, lazy about it. Especially , if you are from a cold country, making wudhu in the cold water is a challenge. 

However, take a look at Prophet Muhammad SAW..

He already knew about his rank in Jannah.  Jibreel (as) used to come when he is praying Salah, and his feet will be swollen.  
-Our feet will be only swollen, when we take long journeys by air etc.
-As, our feet ever swollen before due to Salah? Yet, people complain about praying even for 5 minutes.  It is a test from Allah. 
-If,your feet can swallow even once in your lifetime. Then, you have followed the greatest example of existence.  

**His love ,purity of the heart, love for sacrifice**

Sahabah (ra) , 99 of them were ready to give their lives to build one of them.  
-During a battle, one of the Sahabah needed a water. And, one of the Sahabah had a cup of water and then he saw his brother was in need, so he passed it to him. And,then the brother passed someone in need, so he passed it to him.  And, they did it until they lost their lives in order to save the life of the other man. 

However, nowdays , 99 of us will gather to destroy one man. 

And, this is totally opposite.  May Allah swt bless us so that we will love each other. 

Allah swt praises the ansar,

"The companions of Prophet Muhammad SAW, give preferences over themselves even if they are in dire need"

-Even if they are in a dire need of a particular item, they would still give it to him..

-Nowdays, when we are calculating the zakaat, we will become little bit stingy. And, for sadaqah, we are only giving small figures. 
-It is better to give something other than nothing.  -However, open your heart, spend more. 
-The best dirham is to spend in the path of Allah swt & in which you are fearing poverty. When , you need it but you are still giving as you feel the other party need more. And, this is from you heart.
-We, sometime do not even want to share with our brothers & sisters. May Allah swt grant us understanding.  

How did Islamic nation developed?-It is a lesson for all of us.

Allah swt says when talking about power & authority ,

"Say,  follow Allah and his Messenger. If, they turn away, you are responsible for fulfilling your duty, they are responsible for fulfiling their duty. If, they follow Allah, they will be guided. "

Remember, that the Messenger's duty is only to deliver this message.  And, then , it is up to us on whether we are taking heed. This message is applicable till the end of days. 

"Allah promises those who believe & do good deeds from amongst you, he swt will be granting authority to rule the land like how he did to those before"

**Believe and do good deeds**

"And, then he(swt) will make it easy for you to do the duties of Allah , without any fear. "

Prophet Muhammad's SAW appearance:

Some of his companions, Hassan Ibn Harith (ra) who was a poet and it was reported that in one of his poems ,  

"Prophet Muhammad SAW is beautiful as how he (saw) wished to be created. "

Imagine today, we will be complaining about our appearances.  However , we should thank Allah for our appearance as everyone has a unique identity.  Sometime, when you try to change things, you actually mess things up. No one notices, the small things that is on you. If , you are very worried about your appearances, it means that you are looking at mirror often. Remove all your mirrors , and you will be a happy person :). And, remember, Allah swt has made all of us unique.   

By merely looking at Prophet Muhammad SAW , you will love him. 

Abdullah ibn Salam, ra who was a Jewish Rabbi mentioned that upon seeing Prophet Muhammad SAW , he knew that this is not the face of a liar , he is the truth and nabi. And, then he accepted Islam upon hearing the words of Prophet Muhammad SAW as he knew it was the words of Messenger of Allah.  

Ibn Kathir has mentioned in Tafseer 
"There are signs on their faces, forehead, which is the sign of sujood"
-And, you can see from their faces, whether they are pious. 

Ibn Kathir further mentioned that one of the  mufasiroon  said in one of the tafseer,
" Appearance is connected with Salah. Whomsoever's salah is beautiful at night, their face will become beautiful at the day" Allahu Akhbar. 

People will look at you, and they would be able to see the noor.

People will look at you & they can see the noor if you are pious. 

However, do not have a misconception that fair complexion as a noor. There can be a man who is as dark as charcoal, but he may have complete noor. One needs an ability to recognise the noor.

This is the beauty of Prophet Muhammad SAW ...  

" Your (Prophet Muhammad SAW) beauty is something no eyes have seen,  no woman has given birth to, you have been created against all the physical flaws as though you have been created like how you wanted to be created"

All the Prophets have been good looking, they had good features, all of them had proper health. If, anyone had some defects , for example:Musa's (as) tongue, it is part of test for people.  Musa's (as) hurt his tongue when he was young, he had little bit of stutter.  Even for that, Allah swt sent his brother along with him, and this was the excuse being used. 

What is the wisdom behind this?
Imagine if the ambiyyat were created whereby they are not good to look at, people will say I do not even want to see him( thus they will not listen to the message).

May Allah protect us from people disliking us to look at. For us , whether people like to us or not , it is based on the connection with Allah . 

The condition of the world before the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW
-Roman empire.  Roman empire was stretched to Asia, Syria(what we know as Palestine today), Egypt, North Africa. And, it had its headquarters in the east, constantinople( what is known today as turkey, Istanbul). 
-The byzatine empire is part of roman empire. 

* Allah swt mention this in Surah Ar-rum. There is a whole surah named after the romans. Romans existed at that point of time. 

Who else were there?

Who else were there before Prophet Muhammad's SAW birth?

-There were Persians of what we know now as Iranians. 
-The bulk of them were fire worshippers.  
-They oppressed their women in a great degree. 

Whereas for Romans, what happened to them?
-When we look at story of Jesus , peace be upon him, we can see how did Roman persecuted him. And , how they were tyrants. And, how evil they were in their wars. They oppressed the working class in a great degree. There were alot of strife. They were dirty people who did not know how to clean themselves.  We can find in the history that the Kings , even in Europe ,were proud about taking a bath once a month in the public.  May Allah swt safeguard us. We thank Allah for sending Prophet Muhammad SAW to us. 
-It is important to mention this, as we will not be able to realise the gift that we have, until we have seen the darkness that the globe has gone through. 

What we see now, many of the times, it is the civilisation brought by Prophet Muhammad SAW-We do not know about this and why?
-They hijacked it , took it and they blame us as the hijackers. May Allah swt help us to open the doors.

The Persians used to worship fire, and many other things. And , some worshipped idols, people(hierarchy) and they were so many different types of confused people. 

If we look at the Romans, after a while when Christianity came down, you find that every king who came , he changed the bible. They will proudly say King James version of the bible. It means that this bible is the version of that king made and he brought it forth. And, then another version came when another man , Pope changed it. That is why, we can see that there is more than 36 versions of bible. The Christians themselves are not able to unite upon one, and we can say this with due respect , as this is the fact. 

So, when things were changing to suit the Kings of the time, they were chaos and confusion, people started to add and subract until they raised Isa(as), to the level of God and they made him part of the trinity.   

The romans or Christian denomination fought with each other , along with coptic Christians in Egypt .. For what reason?
-In order to know who is Jesus(pbuh)? Was he part of trinity ? What happened to him?
-Christians were fighting among themselves because the Kings , Popes were adding something to the bible- This is what we now know as biddah, innovation.  And, that is the cause for war to take place. May Allah protect us from innovations.  

-And, wars took place with Romans and Persians.  And, even this is talked about in Quran. All of these happened for a long time.
- Persians considered to be more powerful .However ,they feared each other. 
-Sometime, one group won while other time another group won. And, this took place for a very long time. 

And, you have Indian subcontinent, where the Hindus and Buddhist(who worships Budhha). Hindus worshipped people in terms of hierarchy, Raman at the top and while others come down. May Allah swt protect us from worshipping people. 

Allah swt has sent Prophet Muhammad SAW to remove people from worshipping people and to worship the Rabb of those people, who have created all of us. We are not supposed to worship the created , we have to worship the creator.  

When, we are putting our head on the ground. Who are we putting for? It is only for the one who made us. The one who made us, we owe him to put our head to the ground for him. May Allah swt accept it from us. 

And, there were other civilisationa around which was mentioned in Quran. 

The previous nation within Arabian Penisula,there is Saba in Yemen, Ad and Thamud who were in Arabian Penisula.  The people of Ad were in a place known as Ahkahf, more to south of Mecca or the south part of Arabian Penisula.  The people of Thamud were slightly to North. 

The Jews,Christians , fire worshippers , budhhist, hindus were present as mentioned previously. 

The people of the Mecca were present at the same time with all these groups of people. So, who were there?

From religious perspective...
-They worshipped idols. They believe in superstition.  Many of us are superstitious even now, we say things like:

Something will happen if ...
If black cat passes,or the owl sat on the roof etc. 
-We still have Jahilliyah within us and Allah says that they were those pagan Arabs who had alot of superstitious beliefs even for small things. 

For example, when women comb their hair, they placed their hair that was fallen off into a bowl.When the wind blows it to a corner,  women look at their hair, they will say things like "someone is doing black magic". This is a typical scenario which is indicating Jahilliyah within us.

Even those who think black magic has happened upon them (in rare cases), how can you help yourself?
-We can learn it from the life of Prophet Muhammad 
SAW as it has happened to him(SAW)

-They used to go to the fortune tellers, even for small things.  People want to tell the future even for small things.

Funny story of a Muslim Man & fortune teller: 

A fortune teller told a Muslim man that he will be able to tell the future. The Muslim man told him that he doesn't want to listen but the fortune teller insisted.  Finally, he told the Muslim man that he will charge him a small amount , went on to say things like how long will the Muslim man live etc. The Muslim man was not interested.  And, at last, the fortune teller told him to pay him. The Muslim man came to Mufti Menk & told him what has happened.  Mufti Menk said to the fortune teller

 "Since, you claim that you know the future, you should know that I am not paying you "

For, our difficulties , we are going to the fortune tellers, however , we do not realise that how do these witch doctors work.  They work with Jinns, they call it as spirit mediums, they know how to work, talk with them. 

However, all of these, is prohibited in Islam. And, we need to know this. 

In Shaa Allah, more will be discussed on the Jahilliyah of the people of Arabian Penisula,what they were involved, and why Allah swt chose this nabi to be raised among them. 

In Shaa Allah, we can now realise how gifted we are. Our women are being elevated to the highest level, they are not being conned by what is liberation calling today nor they are being oppressed. They are taught to fulfill the role as a Muslim woman, and this is what we failed to realise when we look at the both extremes.

Friday 7 November 2014

Part 1: Tafseer of Surah Kahf |Sheikh Yasir Qadhi|

Surah Kahf Part 1, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi:

Click here to watch the video :
**********Introduction &Blessings ********

-Earliest Revelation
-Surah Kahf, Surah Maryam, Surah Taha are the earliest & primary revelation as told by Prophet Muhammad SAW.
The primary focus of Surah Kahf:
-Allah swt will protect us from all the trials .
-It is full of stories and it is teaching us on how Allah swt will protect us from different kinds of severity.
There are many stories discussed in the Surah.
However , 4 stories are the crux of the Surah.

There are...

1) The story of young men who seek shelter in the cave. And, that is where the Surah gets the name, Surah Kahf. This is teaching about fitnah of religion when people prosecute certain group of people due to religion,  The men believed in Allah but the king wanted to kill them because they were believers.  And, they seek protection by seeking shelter in cave. And, Allah swt protected them.

2) The story of the man with two gardens. This is teaching about the fitnah of money. It teaches you on what will happen if money gets into you head , causing you to be arrogant. The solution for it,it is to realise that this dunya is temporary and what you have earned in this dunya will be eventually taken away.

3)Musa & Khidr. This is discussing about false knowledge and how it can cause a person to be arrogant. It teaches us that even knowledge can be a fitnah. However, Musa (as) overcome and from his humility , he learns knowledge from someone who knows better than him-Due to this he rises, in terms of status.

4) Dhul Qarnain-This is the story of power, Mulkiyah, controlling people.Allah swt says that he tested him with power.

And, how did Dhul Qarnain overcome it?
-He will always remind himself about the real king, who is Allah swt.

Blessings of reciting Surah Kahf:

1) One of the companions(Al Barah Ibn Azim) of Prophet Muhammad SAW  , he noticed that his horses are getting agitated when reciting Surah Kahf . 

-When he looked up, he saw a chandelier of light coming down. When, he  recites, a chandelier of light will come down, and the horses will get agitated.  When, he stopped reciting, it will goes up again. When , the companion inquired about this to Prophet Muhammad SAW, he SAW replied 

"This is the Saqina that came down because you were reciting Surah Kahf"

What is Saqina?
-It means peace.
-It is referring to the angels.

Even, the angels wanted to come down to listen to this beautiful Surah.

.Part 1.2 Surah Kahf, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

It is the earliest Revelation. Why?
-It fortifies the eeman, and gives you a hope that Allah swt will take care of you, even during your difficult times
-It was revealed during 1st or 2nd year of Dawah.

Other Blessings:
2)Abu Dharda narrated that Prophet Muhammad SAW mentioned that whomsoever memorised 10 ayats of Surah Kahf will be saved from fitnah of Dajjal.

3) In a another hadith , Nawwas (ra) mentioned that, one
Day, they were discussing about Dajjal, and they became so scared, that they were thinking that Dajjal might be hiding behind the tree in a masjid. When, Prophet Muhammad SAW saw them , he inquired from them , so they talked about Dajjal till they became terrified.  

-And,then Prophet Muhammad SAW explained about Dajjal in a very detailed way. And, this is  the reason for this hadith to be very long. 

- In that hadith , he has explained that if Dajjal comes when Prophet Muhammad SAW is present, Prophet Muhammad SAW will protect them.  

-And, he has further explained that if Dajjal comes when Prophet Muhammad SAW is not around, then every Muslim will be his/her own protector-This means that you have to protect yourself, and no one will be there to protect you. 

-And, then Prophet Muhammad SAW continued by saying "whoever wants to protect himseld from Dajjal, let him read the beginning of Surah Kahf". And, in another hadith, it is mentioned that it is first 10 ayats of Surah Kahf that will protect from Dajjal.

4) Prophet Muhammad SAW has said whoever recites Surah Kahf on Friday , there will be a light eminent from him till the next Friday.

5) And, in similar hadith it is mentioned it was narrated "whomsoever recites Surah Kahf like how it has been revealed( meaning with proper tajweed, kushoo, you do not read it like a cassette tape but read it with proper tilawat) , if he meets Dajjal, he will be protected and power will overcome him from Dajjal

6) In another hadith, "whomsoever recites Surah Kahf will have light shinning all the way to Mekkah" . And, this hadith indicates that the light will be so powerful that it will illuminate all the way to Mekkah.

7) In another a weak hadith(no harm knowing this hadith) , it is mentioned that "whomsoever recites Surah Kahf on Friday, all his minor sins are forgiven till the next Friday"
Hence, from all this, we can clearly conclude that Friday is linked with Surah Kahf

Part 1.3 Surah Kahf, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

Short Summary of Fitnah of Dajjal:
-The fitnah of the Dajjal is the worst fitnah that any human being will encounter. 

-Prophet Muhammad SAW has explained that "From that day when Adam had been created till the day Judgement, there is no trials that is harmful to the mankind than Dajjal. " There is no fitnah that will cause more havoc, blood shed than the Dajjal.

-Dajjal will come on that day...
1) He will claim that he is the God

2) And, he will be given some miracles( by the permission of Allah such as stopping the rain. 

3) Whomsoever disbelieve the Dajjal, he will be perished by the Dajjal.  And, whomsoever believe in Dajjal, Dajjal will snap his fingers and the rain will fall, plants will flourish.  And,  this people will be able to eat. Hence, those people who disbelieve in Dajjal, will be tested with trials. While, others will be flourished in terms of food, wealth.

From, this we can conclude that there is no fitnah will be deterrent to the mankind as the fitnah of Dajjal. 

Why reciting Surah Kahf is linked with protection from Dajjal?
1) The first story that was discussed in Surah Kahf , it is about young men who believed in Allah swt. And, the king wanted to kill them. So, they fled to seek protection.  Allah gave them that protection. 

-And, during the Dajjal time, Dajjal will be the king. He will be the person who will kill anyone who believed in Allah swt. We should become like those young men to fled when we see Dajjal. 

And, our Prophet Muhammad SAW has literally said that "The time when Dajjal comes, the believers will run to the mountains, running away from Dajjal". 

-And,these young men fled and seek protection from the caves, and we should be doing exactly the same thing.

Part 1.4 Surah Kahf, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

2) Dajjal will have the power to bring water & food . And, what will you do if you don't have the water & food?

-If you believe in Dajjal,you will get the food & water. If you don't believe in Dajjal, he will cause the rain to stop, the earth will become dry.

What does Surah Kahf says about this?
Al-Kahf : 8
And indeed, We will make that which is upon it [into] a barren ground.

-Allah swt says "we are the ones who make the earth barren & dry- So,if you want to be fed turn to me and not to Dajjal"

What we learn from here?
1) It is Allah who makes the Earth dry and barren
2) Those who sought refuge in Allah swt,he paved a way from them.
Look at how Allah swt completes the 10th ayat of Surah Kahf :
When ,these young men see the cave, they said

Al-Kahf : 10
[Mention] when the youths retreated to the cave and said, "Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance."

And, this is the optimistic ayat.

How about ayat 11? Why is it not included to be recited when we meet Dajjal.

Al-Kahf : 11
So We cast [a cover of sleep] over their ears within the cave for a number of years.

-Allah swt saved them by putting them into sleep.
-However,we will not be saved by sleeping. We will be saved when Isa (AS) comes and rescue us. And, that is the reason on why we do not recite when we meet Dajjal.
-This shows that they made dua to Allah & Allah swt answered their dua.
-And, this is the reason why we should recite this 10 ayats when we meet Dajjal.

Learning Point:
1)Start to memorize 10 ayats of Surah Kahf if you haven't.
2) Make a point to recite Surah Kahf every Friday. 

Saturday 1 November 2014

Qualities of the Ghuraba, the strangers

Notes derived from

1) Tawheed

:- A stranger believes in tawheed. Tawheed is something very deep. It’s so deep that Allah Himself says about it

3:18 There is no god but He: That is the witness of Allah, His angels, and those endued with knowledge, standing firm on justice. There is no god but He, the Exalted in Power, the Wise.

Allah Himself bore witness to His oneness, and there isn’t anything or anyone greater than Allah and Allah doesn’t need to bare witness to something that is 100% the truth and nothing but the truth. But its so significant and so important for us to understand submission, that Allah Himself made that testimony, followed by the angels, followed by the scholars and then followed by all the evidences that you see on the earth that Allah is only One.
 Tawheed is something which has been revealed to us, it is in our fitrah. Allah is beyond human capabilities and human intellect. That is why, when people use only their intellect and do not refer to the revelation, they end up taking others as Gods – such as god became a cow or god became a rat or god became a snake, and he became a tree and the sun and the moon and the animals and even insects became a god for these people, because they did not refer to revelation; instead they were using the feeble mind of theirs thinking that they understand.
Hence when your intellect comes in conflict with the revelation, its time to put your brain on vacation – that is Tawheed, otherwise one will go astray. True Tawheed is when you believe in Allah as He has revealed and describes Himself in the Quran and the Sunnah – this is very critical.

2) Following the Sunnah: 

The stanger is a follower of the sunnah. It’s very important to define sunnah here – sunnah can mean the recommended voluntary acts of worship, or it could mean the way of the prophet (SAW) brought to us through the hadiths which could includes practices that are obligatory or recommended or mubah or makroo or haram.
 So those who practice the sunnah, we are mainly focusing on doing the obligations and staying away from the haram – and that is the minimum we should do. How many muslims do that today? How many muslims today violate the hadiths and justify it by saying that the maulana said otherwise, or father or mother or uncle said otherwise, or back home that’s how we do islam?

3) Following the ways of the righteous predecessors :

-  A stranger follows the ways of the righteous three generations that the prophet Muhammad (SAW) praised and gave them the special tazkiya that none of us can ever dream about

The best of mankind is my generation, then those who follow them, then those who follow them.
- Bukhari

The prophet(SAW) describes them as the ‘best of mankind”. We love these people, we are just stuck to them, we like to read what they said, do what they did and apply their understanding and application over anybody else afterwards, unless that person also did exactly what they did. Its just that simple. Anyone who has a problem following the sahaba and their ways, as was instructed by the prophet(SAW), then such a person is considered a serious deviant. However when we interpret their ways, we need to do it with wisdom, by keeping in mind the historical context in which it was said or practiced.

4) They are Patient:

- They show three kinds of patience – patience in obeying Allah, patience in staying away from disobedience and patience during times of calamities.

5) They love eachother for the sake of Allah:

- They truly love each other for the sake of Allah. Loving each other does not mean that we will not differ or maybe argue or fight sometimes, it does not mean that there is 100% compatibility. But at the end of the day, when it comes down to it, you love each other for the sake of Allah, even though you might differ at times.

Surah Al- Qiyamah

Notes are written from -

Thematic Tafseer:
-The surah begins about Qiyamah and ends about Qiyamah.
-Allah swt is giving us images on how a believer/disbeliever will leave the world and what will happen to them in Yawmul Qiyamah.

-When the revelation came, the Quraish were mocking about the Yawmul Qiyamah and this is similar to how people mocking now and making it as a entertainment subject.

Al-Qiyaama : 1

لَآ أُقْسِمُ بِيَوْمِ الْقِيٰمَةِ

I swear by the Day of Resurrection

Al-Qiyaama : 2

وَلَآ أُقْسِمُ بِالنَّفْسِ اللَّوَّامَةِ

And I swear by the reproaching soul [to the certainty of resurrection].

Allah swt took 2 oaths :
1)Yawmul Qiyamah
2) the soul( the soul which is feeling guilty)

Why does Allah swt takes oaths?
-He swt doesn't not need to do this to prove that he is speaking truth as we all know that he swt always speaks the truth. However ,this is to FURTHER EMPHASIS the truth.
-Hence, oaths taken by Allah and human beings are different.

How does Yawmul Qiyamah related to the soul?
-All of us will be feeling guilty on that day. The believers will be feeling guilty for not doing more good deeds. While, the disbelievers will be feeling guilty for not worshipping Allah swt.

-Every human beings feels the guilt. Whenever, you do wrong and there is no one watching you, you will still feel guilt. This is your mind reminding you that you are in a trouble for what you have done . And, it is reminding you that you need to face it now or in the akhira.

-Some scholars say that human beings can suppress their guilt, however , we human beings do feel this guilt at some point of time. This can be said as the natural disposition of human beings. And, this is what Allah swt swear upon on.

Al-Qiyaama : 3

أَيَحْسَبُ الْإِنسٰنُ أَلَّن نَّجْمَعَ عِظَامَهُۥ

Does man think that We will not assemble his bones?

Al-Qiyaama : 4

بَلٰى قٰدِرِينَ عَلٰىٓ أَن نُّسَوِّىَ بَنَانَهُۥ

Yes. [We are] Able [even] to proportion his fingertips.

Its like Allah saying,
"You Quraish, assume that we will not assemble your bone.
We are capable to even to assemble your fingertips which is more intricate. "

Even in our daily life, we can see that our fingers will beautifully heal by itself if there is wound etc.

Will be continued in Part 2, In Shaa Allah

Surah Qiyamah ,Part 2


Al-Qiyaama : 5

بَلْ يُرِيدُ الْإِنسٰنُ لِيَفْجُرَ أَمَامَهُۥ

But man desires to continue in sin.

The real reason for a disbeliever to behave this way-it is not because he does not believe in God. Rather, he is acting to his desires. Humans want to live according to their desires and they do not want to be accountable for their deeds and they do want to stick with guidelines . And, this is what Allah swt is telling us about the disbelievers.


Al-Qiyaama : 6

يَسْـَٔلُ أَيَّانَ يَوْمُ الْقِيٰمَةِ

He asks, "When is the Day of Resurrection?"

Ayna in Arabic is like mockingly asking a question on when is the day of Resurrection. This is how exactly you encounter a person will ask you if he/she does not believe about Yawmul Qiyamah.


Al-Qiyaama : 7

فَإِذَا بَرِقَ الْبَصَرُ

So when vision is dazzled

Eyes will be dazzled

Barika comes from the root work Barik
-Barik means lightning bolt
-Allah swt is saying that it would be like the unseen covered from them , they will be in shock & terror just like how they see the lighting bolt.
-The shock & terror which they are feeling can be seen from their eyes.


Al-Qiyaama : 8

وَخَسَفَ الْقَمَرُ

And the moon darkens

-The moon will be eclipsed or
-The brightness will be taken away from Allah.


Al-Qiyaama : 9

وَجُمِعَ الشَّمْسُ وَالْقَمَرُ

And the sun and the moon are joined,

-The sun & moon will be folded
-They will be smashed together


Al-Qiyaama : 10

يَقُولُ الْإِنسٰنُ يَوْمَئِذٍ أَيْنَ الْمَفَرُّ

Man will say on that Day, "Where is the [place of] escape?"

-They will cry out when they witness all of these.

-comes from the root word firar which means to run/flee.
-it is a place where they can escape to.

Why they want to escape now?
Ibn Kathir has explained that the reason is that they can now see the Jahannam surrounding them so they want to escape.


Al-Qiyaama : 11

كَلَّا لَا وَزَرَ

No! There is no refuge.

1) There is no refuge for them -it was directly said to them
2) Wazar means something like fort /place of a salvation

Another interpretation of Wazar
Kaafir , he himself will say to himself in a angry tone that there is no escape for him. This is the regret & guilt that he would be feeling.


Al-Qiyaama : 12

إِلٰى رَبِّكَ يَوْمَئِذٍ الْمُسْتَقَرُّ

To your Lord, that Day, is the [place of] permanence.

-The only stopping place for you is the moustakar(the place where you meet Allah(swt).

Will be continued in Part 3, In Shaa Allah

Surah Qiyamah ,Part 3


Al-Qiyaama : 13

يُنَبَّؤُا الْإِنسٰنُ يَوْمَئِذٍۭ بِمَا قَدَّمَ وَأَخَّرَ

Man will be informed that Day of what he sent ahead and kept back.

Why are you going there?
-For 'Inba' to be done

What is 'Inba'?
-Detailed explanation of what you have done.

What is 'Kaudama'
-All the deeds that are done which can be either good/bad

What is 'waghar'?
-The legacy that you left behind/what have you impacted on people. -For example, if you have been businessman who deals with riba then you have left something for others that is haram.
-And, this is the contrast to the believers who will leave something useful for the ummah like pious children etc.

Another interpretation of 'kaudama waghar':
-It is the prioritisation. For example, when you ask someone for their priorities, they may say learning Arabic, going hajj etc. However, they might not do it.

-It is because they procastinate. For example , some people will say "I will learn Quran /go to hajj when I am pure". However, this will not happen and you have just put off Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW for doing something that is not beneficial for Akhira. And, this is the reality.

Al-Qiyaama : 14

بَلِ الْإِنسٰنُ عَلٰى نَفْسِهِۦ بَصِيرَةٌ

Rather, man, against himself, will be a witness,

-You do not need anyone to tell about yourself, you are witness of yourself. No one knows more about you other than you.
- And, Allah swt knows more about you than you-Make use of this. Cry out, converse to Allah swt to forgive your sins or to make yourself as a better human being . The reason is that only Allah swt knows about you and only he swt can rectify it.

Al-Qiyaama : 15

وَلَوْ أَلْقٰى مَعَاذِيرَهُۥ

Even if he presents his excuses.

-The reality when you ask anyone who is doing sins, on why are they doing this? . They will just throw excuses to you.

In Psychology, "rationalisation" is the term used for throwing excuses. It is also said people rationalise to justify on what they have done wrong as correct.
However, the reality is that you know that you have done something wrong.

-Allah swt is saying that your excuses will be of no use.

The best example is Adam(AS) who is our father , the Prophet. We are not infallible, we do make sins. However, Adam(AS) did not make excuses when he made sins , he accepted it and cried out to Allah swt. While , Iblees did the exact opposite. We should learn a lesson from Adam(AS)


Al-Qiyaama : 16

لَا تُحَرِّكْ بِهِۦ لِسَانَكَ لِتَعْجَلَ بِهِۦٓ

Move not your tongue with it, [O Muhammad], to hasten with recitation of the Qur'an.

-Allah swt is saying don't hasten it . For what? Prophet Muhammad SAW did this speedingly to memorize it, Subhan'Allah . However, Allah swt is saying don't do this.

What is the connection between this and what is discussed previously in this Surah?

Al-Qiyaama : 14

بَلِ الْإِنسٰنُ عَلٰى نَفْسِهِۦ بَصِيرَةٌ

Rather, man, against himself, will be a witness,

Man,will witness himself for being hasty to do sins

However, Prophet Muhammad SAW is in a haste to do good deeds. Sometime, he SAW will be too hasty-Allahu Akhbar.

Allah swt is saying that Prophet SAW do no need to do this and he swt explains further.


Al-Qiyaama : 17

إِنَّ عَلَيْنَا جَمْعَهُۥ وَقُرْءَانَهُۥ

Indeed, upon Us is its collection [in your heart] and [to make possible] its recitation.

Al-Qiyaama : 18

فَإِذَا قَرَأْنٰهُ فَاتَّبِعْ قُرْءَانَهُۥ

So when We have recited it [through Gabriel], then follow its recitation.

Al-Qiyaama : 19

ثُمَّ إِنَّ عَلَيْنَا بَيَانَهُۥ

Then upon Us is its clarification [to you].

Allah swt is comforting Prophet Muhammad SAW that just listen and it will be clarified to him(saw)

Just imagine , 2/3rd of Quran revealed during Makkah time. And , some others are revealed at different point of time, not all revealed together at same time.
And, Prophet Muhammad SAW has the duty to remember the surah, and the order.

Allah swt is comforting him that he swt will make things easier for him in order to PRESERVE and EXPLAIN the text.

We, Muslims are comforted by this verses. Why?
-Our text is not only preserved , it is also explained (Tafseer) by Prophet Muhammad SAW to the companions.
-And, no other religion can make the same claims that both their text & meaning has been preserved.

To be continued in Part 4, In Shaa Allah.
Surah Qiyamah Part 4

2nd Part of Surah Qiyamah

Al-Qiyaama : 20

كَلَّا بَلْ تُحِبُّونَ الْعَاجِلَةَ

No! But you love the immediate

-Allah swt is saying that it is not that you(disbelievers) do not believe the akhira in terms of intellectual . It is just that you LOVE the immediate.

-Important lesson for people who are making dawah etc. *Learn that some people are disbelievers ,it is because they cling to their desires and it is not because it doesn't make sense to them intellectually, Allah swt rationalise our existence in the Quran by describing the miracle of our existence, where we were formed from almost nothing.


Al-Qiyaama : 21

وَتَذَرُونَ الْءَاخِرَةَ

And leave the Hereafter.

-And, you left everything that is for akhira because you followed your desires.

Al-Qiyaama : 22

وُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ نَّاضِرَةٌ

[Some] faces, that Day, will be radiant,

Al-Qiyaama : 23

إِلٰى رَبِّهَا نَاظِرَةٌ

Looking at their Lord.

-In Shaa Allah, you will now experience this in akhira

Nathira comes from the word nathir.

What does 'Nathir' means?
-It means purity.
-Something that glows like a pure gold

Allah is saying on that day their faces will be glowing just like the gold.

Why are their faces glowing?
-Allahu Akhbar, it is because they are looking at their lord. -Not only they are looking at their lord, but they are also STARING at their lord.This the greatest reward that can be given to anyone. And, it is conformed by Prophet Muhammad SAW that we can see our lord like how we can see the full moon. This means that we will not have any difficulty to see our Lord and we do not need to compete with one another to see our Lord.
-They will be very elated till their faces will be beaming.

On the contrary,

Al-Qiyaama : 24

وَوُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍۭ بَاسِرَةٌ

And [some] faces, that Day, will be contorted,

In reality, we can see the people who went to prison, their faces will be darkened , due to the torture or punishment that they have experienced. The torture that they have experienced will be reflected on their faces. This is exactly how Allah swt is describing the disbelievers will be.

Al-Qiyaama : 25

تَظُنُّ أَن يُفْعَلَ بِهَا فَاقِرَةٌ

Expecting that there will be done to them [something] backbreaking.

-It is commonly translated as thinking. However, the correct meaning is that they are expecting with certainty.

Faqir means is the backbone.
-They are certain that a Calamity will fall on them till it will break their backbone.
-This is how Allah swt describes the state of the disbelievers.

Look at how Allah swt describes the death which no one can escape from.

Al-Qiyaama : 26

كَلَّآ إِذَا بَلَغَتِ التَّرَاقِىَ

No! When the soul has reached the collar bones

What is 'Taraqee'?

-It is something between our throats. When it reaches that point,you will hear something.

What will you hear?

Al-Qiyaama : 27

وَقِيلَ مَنْ ۜ رَاقٍ

And it is said, "Who will cure [him]?"

-Allah did not say that he will say it. It will be said to them.

What is 'Raaq'?
-Raaq comes from the word Ruqayya.
-The one who comes to give shifa.

Al-Qiyaama : 28

وَظَنَّ أَنَّهُ الْفِرَاقُ

And the dying one is certain that it is the [time of] separation

But he knows that firawq is coming to him.

What is 'firawq'?
-It is something that is being seperated

What is being 'seperated'?
-it is the body & soul being seperated.
-And, he knows that there is no point calling the 'Raaq' as he knows that this going to happen and this is what he did not want to experience

To be continued in Part 5, In Shaa Allah.

Surah Qiyamah Part 5,


Al-Qiyaama : 29

وَالْتَفَّتِ السَّاقُ بِالسَّاقِ

And the leg is wound about the leg,

Taffati Saqu Bi Saqu:
-It is a phrase used by the Arabs for camels. When the camel dehydrates , it will bend it's legs and will start to walk slowly.
-It is the last moment of dehydration, the camel legs will be twisted and it will fall down.
-Exact things will happen to humans when they are facing death, the human legs will be twisted due to the pain

Al-Qiyaama : 30

إِلٰى رَبِّكَ يَوْمَئِذٍ الْمَسَاقُ

To your Lord, that Day, will be the procession.

-You will be forced to leave even though you do not want to.

What is 'masak'?
-You will be driven by the angels.

Al-Qiyaama : 31

فَلَا صَدَّقَ وَلَا صَلّٰى

And the disbeliever had not believed, nor had he prayed.

-You have never believed in Allah and his Messenger if you have never prayed.
-Belief is connected with Salah.
-Messenger has said 'Salah' is the only thing that seperate us from them. Seperate us from kuffar and eeman.
-For whoever, neglects it, for sure he has not believed it.
-Prayers is very profound in our religion.

Al-Qiyaama : 32

وَلٰكِن كَذَّبَ وَتَوَلّٰى

But [instead], he denied and turned away.

Instead of believing and praying, he disbelieved and turned away.


Al-Qiyaama : 33

ثُمَّ ذَهَبَ إِلٰىٓ أَهْلِهِۦ يَتَمَطّٰىٓ

And then he went to his people, swaggering [in pride].

Imagine this man, he doesn't want to believe and pray to Allah due to his ARROGANCE.

Arrogance on like "why I should believe in God/follow the rules?"

Allah says he will go to his family and walk with arrogance. And, what is in his heart is will be reflected even in the way he walks.


Al-Qiyaama : 34

أَوْلٰى لَكَ فَأَوْلٰى

Woe to you, and woe!

Al-Qiyaama : 35

ثُمَّ أَوْلٰى لَكَ فَأَوْلٰىٓ

Then woe to you, and woe!

-Allah swt is cursing you ×××××××x4.

Al-Qiyaama : 36

أَيَحْسَبُ الْإِنسٰنُ أَن يُتْرَكَ سُدًى

Does man think that he will be left neglected?

What is 'suda'?
-It means a camel that is left for it to wander about.
-Allah saying that did we leave you for just a 'play'?

Al-Qiyaama : 37

أَلَمْ يَكُ نُطْفَةً مِّن مَّنِىٍّ يُمْنٰى

Had he not been a sperm from semen emitted?

Allah is saying that do not we make you from 'nutfaa'?

What is 'nutfaa'?
-It is a reproducting fluid , something that no one wants to touch it.
-Allah is saying how unsophisticatedly humans have been formed and about our origin.
-It is put our arrogance behind.

Al-Qiyaama : 38

ثُمَّ كَانَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقَ فَسَوّٰى

Then he was a clinging clot, and [Allah] created [his form] and proportioned [him]

-Allah is saying we are the one who nurtured you when you are in your mother's womb.

Al-Qiyaama : 39

فَجَعَلَ مِنْهُ الزَّوْجَيْنِ الذَّكَرَ وَالْأُنثٰىٓ

And made of him two mates, the male and the female.

-Allah swt is saying we are the one who fashioned you and you are show arrogance to me.

Allah swt is saying he is the one who made us in pairs.
-This is also another blessing from Allah swt.
-All the human beings long for companionship and to have a partner. They either get it in haram or halal way. However, the desire is present and it is, Allah is the one who has created it. This is the human nature.
-Some scholars point out that if we do not have feelings, we will think this is disgusting. However, Allah swt is the one who made this possible for us so that we can survive (human race).


Al-Qiyaama : 40

أَلَيْسَ ذٰلِكَ بِقٰدِرٍ عَلٰىٓ أَن يُحْۦِىَ الْمَوْتٰى

Is not that [Creator] Able to give life to the dead?

What is 'Kaadir'
-The power and ability.

Allah is saying I have all the 'Kaadir' to resurrect from dead to alive. And, Allah swt is questioning us if I have 'Kaadir' to do all this, do you think that I don't have 'Kaadir' to bring you back to alive from dead.

Ibn Abbas said Prophet Muhammad SAW will end this surah by saying
Subanaka b'ala. -Glory to you Allah fot surety that you can do all of these.


Saturday 28 June 2014

Story Night By Nouman Ali Khan

Story Night by Nouman Ali Khan-Musa(AS) story 

Part 1: Story Night by Nouman Ali Khan-Musa(AS) story


-The story started with a tyrant ruler,Firawn, who destroys the weak community by killing all the male BABIES. He was killing the male babies because of the dream that he had - that a baby from the particular weak community will destroy and conquer his kingdom. 

-And, how will his dream come true because eventually, Musa(AS) will save his community & destroy the tyrant rule. - (This a most happening and typical scene that anyone wants to watch in a movie or drama series.)

- Musa(AS) is from a shia group- not the group that we are thinking now. Shia means simply a group that is AFRAID of another group. 

- So, when Firawn wanted to kill the male babies from that community, he made the community weak by not allowing them to interact with other groups. When, they became weak, he started the execution of male babies. 

Interestingly, EVEN the modernists are doing this now when they want to destroy a particular society/nation. 

-Musa (AS) story is talked about in Surah Qasas. 

******Some Interesting Gems Of The Story******

Musa's(AS) MOTHER:

Musa(as)'s mother was given a inspiration from Allah to 

1) Provide Milk
-Nobody in that situation ( male babies were being executed by the soldiers at that scene-outside her house), will be even thinking to provide milk. 

-And, this is especially APPLICABLE for the mothers.- But, there is wisdom behind it : 

-A baby after it is given the milk, what it will do? . It will go back to sleep and thus, it will not cry. Due to this, the soldiers will not KNOW there is a baby in the house.

2)To Throw The Baby in the river

Who in the right mind will think about that? -

SubhanAllah, this is indeed a divine inspiration from Allah. 

3)Asking Musa's elder sister to follow Musa(AS) 

- Musa's mother was able to compose herself, and asked THE ELDER sister to see what has happened to Musa(AS).

*This shows that inspiration from Allah is not limited to prophets. Sometime, even normal people can have inspirations from Allah. One of the example is Musa's (AS) mother.

The Musa(as) as a baby was thrown in the river by his mother because she had no choice as the soldiers were executing the babies(just outside her house)...

-However, it is also known as that the river was secured by the soldiers. Musa(AS) as a baby escaped all of those SECURITY CHECKS and landed to Firawn’s wife who was in the palace.

-Musa(AS) landed on the most secured place that anyone could imagine. 

The police chiefs/soldiers wanted to execute Musa(AS) as a baby .


1) It is a SHAME for them
- The presence of him will remind them that they did not do their job well. 

- Musa(AS) was from Israel while, the soldiers were from Egypt.
-Egyptians at that point of time disliked the Israelites and they were very racist towards them. The reason is that Israelites were slaves to them.

And, racism exist even today. We, Muslims are also racist towards each other. We tend to look down at people who have lower financial background,darker skin colour etc. 

Since, Musa(AS) was liked by the Firawn’s wife, (Asiya(RA)), he will be their ADOPTED kid.  

-This means that soldiers have to give royal respect to Musa(AS), and that is intolerable to them.

HOW did they know Musa(AS) from Israel?

-Israelites are lighter in skin tone compared to the Egyptians. And, that is how they used to differentiate each other.
-Hence, when Musa(AS) as a baby landed to Asiya(as), everyone knew that he is from Israel.

The process of Musa(AS) being ADOPTED...
-Musa(AS) gave happiness, coolness to Firawn’s wife, Asiya(RA), from the moment that he landed on her arms.

-The soldiers were not even able to talk to her as they were afraid of her. She was in a high authority which anyone could imagine.

-She brought the baby to Firawn. Firawn was discussing with all the soldiers on how to execute more babies. And, that is when she brought the baby- SubhanAllah.

-She placed the baby in front of Firawn, and said something like “ Look at him , how cute is he?”. The moment, she said that,even Firawn’s heart softened and he started to play with him.

-While , Firawn was playing with Musa(AS) as a baby, then Asiya(RA) started to ask him for favours.

1)He can be servant to us, so can we keep him
-Firawn did not answer and he CONTINUED playing with the baby

2) He can be a coolness to me and your eyes, so can we ADOPT him as our son
- Firawn did not answer, and CONTINUED playing with the baby
-And, we all know that, silence means acceptance. And, imagine the shock that the soliders, police chiefs were facing now.

Learning Point by Brother Nouman Ali Khan:

Even a rock heart can be softened by babies, and the best example is the scene described above

How did Musa(AS) landed with his mother again?

-Allah (SWT) made it haram for him to drink any other milk than his own mother's . 
-Its like the moment that he drank milk from his mother, Allah(SWT) installed a programme in his brain not to drink anyone's milk.
-And, since Musa (AS) is with Firawn’s wife,Asiya(RA), who is not his own mother, she was not able to give milk to him. 
-And, she is frantically trying to give milk to Musa(AS). But,he is refusing to drink milk from anyone.
- She is calling out the people for help

-Remember, the part where Musa’s(AS) SISTER was instructed by the mother to follow him. She is at the outside the palace now.

-She is in the scene and she heard that Asiya(RA) needs SOMEONE who can give milk to her baby brother.

-SubhanAllah, look at the wisdom of her speech, she goes to them and say “ I know SOMEONE, who can provide you help in providing milk”. And, she gives the direction of her own house. She does not even say that it is her own house or Musa’ (AS) is her brother or the lady in the house is Musa (AS)’s mother.

-And, from there, Musa (AS) is being re-bonded with his biological FAMILY.

Musa's (AS) sister:
1) She was instructed by her mother to follow Musa(AS) ONLY ONCE. 
- This does not happens nowadays.
-Mothers have to keep on calling their daughters for help if they want to get something done.
-We, as daughters/sons have to respect our mothers more. When, our mother asked us something, we should do it straight away instead of making them to remind us so many times.

2) Quality of being Independent:
-Look at the way Musa's (AS) mother do not need to give so many advices or instructions to Musa's sister. 
-She knows exactly what she is doing even at that young age.
-This is something that we are lacking now; the mothers nowadays are so choosy, over protective towards their children that they are not being independent to face the real world.. 

FUNNY Parenting Technique Story told by Nouman Ali Khan:

There were three ethnicity mothers with their sons in the playground SLIDE.

 One is an Arab mother, another one is Asian mother (particularly Pakistani/Indian/Bangladeshi), and another one is an European mother.

Each of them is having a son who is around 2-3 years old.

1) Arab Mother
-She is eating an ice-cream.
-While, her son is climbing the playground SLIDE which has at least 12 levels (it is not suitable for his age), and he reaches the top.
- Now he looks at the stairs and slide. And, he has two options for him, either jump from the stairs or use the slide. And, he chooses to jump from the stairs.
-He falls hard to the ground. And, the mother is watching everything, but she ,continues to eat her ice-cream.
-And, the son, now stands up and rubs his shoulder, and tells himself that he should do it again, and he climbs the stairs of slide again

2) Asian Mother
- Her son goes to the same playground slide which has at least 12 levels (it is not suitable for his age), and the moment that he climbed the first two stairs.
-The mother comes running towards him and says” how dare you climb here, this is not good for you” and she pulls him away. 

3) European MOTHER.
- She is reading some news-papers. 
While, her son is climbing the playground slide which has at least 12 levels (it is not suitable for his age), and he reaches the top
- Then, now he looks at the stairs , and slide. And, he has two options for him, either jump from the stairs or use the slide. And, he chooses to jump from the stairs.

-He falls hard to the ground too. And, now he is feeling very painful to stand up and he just sit down there.

-The mother is watching everything and she comes towards him and asking him “ Are you feeling very painful from falling down?”
-The son nods his head.
-Then, she says “Do you want to talk about it ?”.(LOL)

The moral of the story:
-Be a parent who is in the middle path.
-Do not be over protective,
-And, do not be a parent who let their children to do everything.  

In Quran, Musa(AS) childhood years are not elaborated much and it is being fast forward to his teenage years. **This is how, even in movies the characters are being shown. Quran only talks about the interesting/important years of the individuals.

Musa(AS) was a
-Strong Person. He was even described as someone who is as strong as the wood.
-He is rich because as he was the adopted son of Firawn.

However, he was described as someone who do everything in Ihsaan, in excellence. He will go to Israel at mid-day( where everyone are sleeping/taking short nap/rest) and he will help the needy ones. He needs to do it privately because, he was the son of Firawn who was Egyptian and Firawn ordered to oppress the Israelites.

*When, we think of a teenager who is rich and strong, we will think that they are spoilt children. And, most of the times, that is what is happening, and this kind of teenagers will be partying etc.

-However, it is a lesson for the teenagers who are well-to-do and have healthy body to help out the needy ones and have high aspiration like Musa(AS), and do everything in excellence.
-Do not over depend on your parents.

Musa(AS) turning point:
-We have learnt that he is as strong as wood and he helps the needy ones in mid-day.
-So, once he was walking on the streets of Israel, and he saw a Egyptian soldier beating an Israel man.
-Musa(AS) wanted to save this man, and he rush towards the scene and punches the soldier.
-And, he is so strong that the soldier died right away.
-The moment he realised that the soldier died, he says “This is from Shaytaan”.
-And, the Israel man who he was helping was not a good man and he exposed Musa (AS) to the crowd that he is the killer.
-And, the other Egyptian soldiers in the crowd also heard the commotion.

Plot Of Egyptian Authorities:
-Remember, that the Egyptian authorities do not like Musa (AS) and this is their perfect chance for them to do the revenge.
- The authority commands the soldiers to kill him anywhere where he can find. And, they did not even discuss this issue with Firawn.
- One of the police chief in that gathering was Musa's(AS) friend.
-And, the chief conveys the news to Musa(AS) and asked him to fled somewhere.
-And, this is when Musa(AS) fled from Egypt.

-Musa(AS) fled from Egypt to Madyan by travelling in a desert.
-After, he travelled to Madyan, he takes shelter in a tree which is beside a river. And, he drinks water from that river.

And, the rest of the story continues here…
Moses noticed a band of shepherds watering their sheep. He went to the spring, where he saw two young women preventing their sheep from mixing with the others.
Moses sensed that the women were in need of help. Forgetting his thirst, he drew nearer to them and asked if he could help them in any way.
The older sister said: "We are waiting until the shepherds finish watering their sheep, then we will water ours."
Moses asked again: "Why are you waiting?"
The younger one: "We cannot push men."
Moses was surprised that women were shepherding, as only men were supposed to do it. It is hard and tiresome work, and one needs to be on the alert. Moses asked: "Why are you shepherding?"
The younger sister said: "Our father is an old man; his health is too poor for him to go outdoors for pasturing sheep."
Moses (pbuh) said: "I will water the sheep for you."
When Moses approached the water, he saw that the shepherds had put over the mouth of the spring an immense rock that could only be moved by ten men. Moses embraced the rock and lifted it out of the spring's mouth, the veins of his neck and hands standing out as he did so. Moses was certainly strong. He watered their sheep and put the rock back in its place.
He returned to sit in the shade of the tree. At this moment he realized that he had forgotten to drink. His stomach was sunken because of hunger.
Almighty Allah described this event: And when he arrived at the water of Midian (Midyan) he found there a group of men watering their flocks, and besides them he found two women who were keeping back their flocks. He said: "What is the matter with you?" They said: "We cannot water (our flocks) until the shepherds take their flocks. And our father is a very old man."
So he watered their flocks for them, then he turned back to shade, and said: "My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!" (Ch 28:22-24 Quran)
The young ladies returned home earlier than usual, which surprised their father. They related the incident at the spring which was the reason that they were back early. Their father sent one of his daughters to invite the stranger to his home. Bashfully, the woman approached Moses and delivered the message. "My father is grateful for what you have done for us. He invites you to our home so that he may thank you personally."
Moses welcomed this invitation and accompanied the maiden to her father. Moses could see that they lived comfortably as a happy and peaceful household. He introduced himself and told the old man about the misfortune that he had befallen him and had compelled him to flee from Egypt. The old man comforted him: "Fear not, you have escaped from the wrong-doers."
Moses's gentle behavior was noticed by the father and his daughters. The king man invited him to stay with them. Moses felt at home with this happy household, for they were friendly and feared Allah.
One of the daughters suggested to her father that he employ Moses, as he was strong and trustworthy. They needed someone like him, especially at the water hole, which was visited by ruffians.
The father asked her how she could be sure of his trustworthiness in such a short time. She replied: "When I bade him to follow me to our home, he insisted that I walk behind him so he would not observe my form (to avoid sexual attraction)."
The old man was pleased to hear this. He approached Moses and said: "I wish to marry you toone omy daughters on condition that you agree to work for me for a period of eight years."
This offer suited Moses well, for being a stranger in this country, he would soon have to search for shelter, and work. Moses married the Midianite's daughter and looked after the old man's animals for ten long years.
Almighty Allah recounted: Then there came to him one of the two women, walking shyly. She said: "Verily, my father calls you that he may reward you for having watered our flocks for us." So when he came to him and narrated the story, he said; "Fear you not. You have escaped from the people who are Zalimeen (polytheists, disbelievers, and wrong-doers)." And said one of them (the two women): "O my father! Hire him! Verily, the best of men for you to hire is the strong, the trustworthy." He said: "I intend to wed one of these two daughters of mine to you, on condition that you serve me for eight years, but if you complete ten years, it will be a favour from you. But I intend not to place you under a difficulty. If Allah wills, you will find me one of the righteous." He (Moses) said: "That is settled between me and you whichever of the two terms I fulfil, there will be no injustice to me, and Allah is Surety over what we say." ( Ch 28:25-28 Quran)

Learning Points by Brother Nouman Ali Khan:
-This is first time, Musa (AS) travelling and he is using desert to travel to Madyan.
-He does not even know the directions. SubhanAllah, Allah(SWT) providing divine GPS direction for him to travel to Madyan.
- Look at the healthy conversation between Musa(AS) and the two girls. Both, are not flirting and they are very direct.
-Look, at the way, the father is confident about his daughters conduct
(i) He let them travel to the river, though he knows the men around there are not good in character conduct. The reason is that he trust his daughters and he knows they will be modest.
(ii) He asked about Musa (AS) to his daughter
-He knows that his daughters will give correct description about someone

One of the girls is walking shyly towards Musa(AS):
1) She is now walking alone to Musa(AS) and she is feeling modest and uncomfortable to a certain extent
-We, Muslims should feel shy when we are talking to the opposite gender, and this is part of our haya, shyness.
2) She is having feeling for him. It is also obvious that the women will not feel shy towards men if they are not interested in them.

*And, even at this time, the father trust his daughter so much that he sent her alone to bring Musa(AS) to the house. He does not even send both the daughters and he only need to send one of them- look at his trust*

Father  & Daughter relationship:
-The moment, his daughter asked him whether Musa(AS) can be employed by him, he knows that his daughter is interested in Musa(AS). –Subhan’Allah.
- A father & daughter should have good relationship so that they can talk about marriage proposals.
-And, the father trusts his daughter’s verdict/choice.

Father  & Son-in-Law relationship:
-Look at the honesty of the son-in-law, and their healthy conversation.
-This should be the ideal conversation before any marriage.
-The reason is that a father knows the daughter’s preferences etc, and he will then tell this to his son-in-law who will be care-taker in future.

Advice To Young Men:
-If Musa(AS), who has no money, killed someone, no relative, and basically nothing much other than good characters and strong body is able to get married, you can also get married, stay positive .
-And, Nouman Ali Khan also clarifies that it does not mean you should kill someone now. No, but this is just encouragement, that if you are single do not worry much.

Musa(AS) powerful dua:
-Musa(AS) made a powerful dua when he was under the shade of the tree. What is the dua?
- “I will accept any goodness from you”- This shows that
1) Allah(swt) will help you and open you doors when you think that you are in lowest point of time. Allah (swt) gave him, employment, shelter and marriage proposal at just one time.
2) Do not be picky on your dua. Sometime, you will want this particular job, but Allah(swt) might not give you because it is not good for you. So, always thanks Allah and do not be picky!

Final Gems of the Surahs:

Musa- Root Word is from Egypt
-It is not Hebrew word according to the Jewish belief.
-And, the Egypt language has been forgotten and gone long time ago, so there was always confusion on what is the name of Musa(AS) and there are different names for him(AS) by different religions.
-Only, at the recent research by the historians, it was found that Musa is name which has Egyptian roots meaning that only Quran provides the correct name of Musa(AS).

Musa(AS) knows about Hajj/Mecca
When, Shuhaib(AS) stated that he wants Musa(AS) to work for his for 8 years, he used the word 8 hujjah. Hujjah means, 8 Hajj. And, we all know that Hajj only takes place once a year. This means that Musa(AS) is aware of Haj & Kabbah.

Wrong Belief By Jews:
Jews have a belief that your ethnicity etc. comes from mother and not the father. So, for example, your mother is Indian and your father is Pakistani, according to the Jewish system, you are actually Indian. And, this how their system works.

However, brother Nouman Ali Khan points out that during his conversation with Jewish Rabbi, he said if their system is correct, then it means, the Jews are not Israelites but Arabs. The reason is that Musa(AS) is from Israelites while his wife is from Madyan (Arab), then the they should not call themselves anymore as children of Israel/Bani Israel but children of Arab. However, the Jewish Rabbi could not answer this and not accept this.

This shows that our system of belief is valid.

Interesting Analogy of Surah Yusof and Surah Qasas(which talks about Musa(AS)):

Surah Yusuf
Surah Qasas (which talks about Musa(AS)):
It begins by illustrating with FATHER’s LOVE
It begins by illustrating with MOTHER’s LOVE
The father was AFRAID of his separation with his son.
The mother was AFRAID of her separation with her son.
The father & son were SEPERATED for many years.
-When Yusuf (AS) was captured to Egypt as a slave.
The mother & son were SEPERATED for some time.
-During Musa(AS) journey to the palace etc.
SIBLINGS were the cause of separation between the father & son
SIBLING was the cause of reunion between the mother & son
The major turning point was in a WELL (WATER).
-The siblings threw him in the river.
The major turning point was in the river (WATER).
-The mother threw him in the river by placing him on the basket.
He was taken into the PALACE.
-As a slave
He was taken into the Firawn PALACE.
The husband (also known as man of the household) had a STRONG LOVE TOWARDS HIM ON THE FIRST LOOK
Husband suggested to his wife with an idea that they should treat him either as
2) SON
Wife suggested to her husband with an idea that they should treat him either as
2) SON
He was treated as a SERVANT
He was treated as a SON.
He was SEPERATED from the FATHER.
He was SEPERATED from the MOTHER.
-In turn, Allah gave him a new mother, Asiya (AS).
Teenage years, he was blessed with
Teenage years, he was blessed with
3) Strength
Fitnah from INDOORS.
-It is in his household
Fitnah from his OUTDOORS.
-The streets of Israel.
INNOCENT for the crime (fornication/rape) that he was alleged.
GUILTY for the crime (murder) that he was alleged.
He was in the EGYPT ONCE.
-In the prison.
He was in the EGYPT ONCE.
-In the palace.
HE CAME BACK TO EGYPT from the prison in order to save the people from drought
HE CAME BACK TO EGYPT in order to destroy the kingdom of Firawn.
-but then goes back again.
INITIALLY he was INSIDE of Egypt
-but then goes outside of the Egypt after destroying the Firawn Kingdom
It shows, how a MAN & WOMAN should NOT INTERACT
It shows, how a MAN & WOMAN should INTERACT