Below is transcription of the above video, some editing has been done for reading purpose. If there is any errors, its from me & Shaytaan. If there is any goodness, it is from Allah(SWT). This transcription work is belonged to SistersWeeklyHalaqah, thus if you find any error, please contact us directly by commenting below or email us directly to sistersweeklyhalaqah@live.com. Jazakumullahu Khayran. #ShareThe Khayr
I would like to take you all back to the history, our history which has the earliest civilisation and that is when our Amir, Caliph , Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) who has opened the Baitul Maqdis.
The Muslims finally after much time , they had opened Baitul Maqdis. He(RA) was on his way to the Jerusalem and he had one of his close companions, Abu Ubaidah Al-Jarrah (RA). Abu Ubaidah Al-Jarrah (RA) looked at Amirul Mu'mineen and commented that
“I have seen the rulers of Persia, Byzantine & Rome. And, I look at their clothing and it is so luxurious. and i look at you…”
And, he continues,
"Ya Amirul Mu'imeen , are you not more deserving to this luxury, and magnificent lifestyle".
And ,Omer Ibn Khattab (RA) coined a quote by his reply ,and anyone who saying this statement now, are actually following his footstep,
"Ya Abu Ubaidah, had anyone said that other than you, I would have chopped their heads off"`.
*Side Note: Omer Ibn Khattab (RA) was actually a very merciful person and he did not implement this to anyone but this is just to scare the people and to show the people who is the boss.*
The point being, this is where our discussion will begun, it is the Izzah(honour,pride) where Omer Ibn Khattab (RA) he went on to say . And, this is supposed to be shared & written in gold and hung on the walls , on our hearts, and remembered in our minds,he said
"We are the people who have Allah has honoured, and given dignity, respect, through our Islam, when we seek that ,honour, dignity respect, through other than Islam, and that is when Allah (SWT) will humiliate us and disgrace us.”
And, this is where I would like to bring the topic of our discussion.
In this age, if we look at the status of the Muslim Ummah, you would see that certain elements in it, that make us so proud. That is Alhamdulillah, there is a revival of Islam, people are turning back to the religion and going back to the religion. People are going back to masajid, learning the deen.
But, you look at other elements, of the Muslims but not of the Islam. That they still , some of the biggest criminals of the world. It is in our countries that have the biggest oppressors. And, then you tried you are trying to figure out what is going wrong, but Allah(SWT), his messengers(SAW), Khulafāʾ Rāshidūn, they have already told us what went wrong.
We became the nation that tried to seek respect through other than Islam. We became people who sought money, power, decreed but we left our very fundamentals which is our principals.
I want you all to think about our first revelation, and the second revelation that came to messenger (SAW). And, the reason why am I asking you to reflect upon this is because what it is a daunting task for messenger of Allah to become a prophet, to go from just from a regular man to a prophet of Allah(SWT), and call the people to Islam.
So, how did Allah(SWT) instill confidence, power in Messenger (SAW) so that 1400 hundred years later, that we could be still be proud of him.
This is the secret , to become a proud Muslim.
"What is the very first revelation which was given to the messenger SAW by Allah (SWT), tell me O'people"
1) Iqra
Read, learn, educate yourself,
& Allah (SWT) says,
2) " Stand up and call the people"...
this is the second revelation that Allah(SWT) gave to messenger of Allah(SAW) and it is in Surah Muddhatir.
And, this is the first and second command is given to messenger of Allah(SAW) .There is a strong correlation in learning and increasing the knowledge, educating yourself, finally implementing that knowledge. This is the essence for the recipe to becoming a proud Muslim, and becoming a Ummah that has respect, dignity, and honour.
Have you ever thought of messenger of Allah(SAW) gained that confidence?
It was within this concepts and then third commandment that was given to him by Allah(SWT).
3) "Stand up and pray to Allah(SWT)".
So, Knowledge , and action upon that knowledge, and building relationship with your very creator.
You will see throughout the history that during the bright moments in our history our leaders, Muslims, have encompassed all the three of these elements.
Knowledge, action upon the knowledge, and good relationship with the very creator.
What is the essence of izzah, the power might and respect?
It is none other Al-Aziz, the Allah(SWT) himself. One of the most beloved names to Allah(SWT) is AL-Aziz. And, that is why you see this name repeated throughout the Quran so many times. And, not only does Allah(SWT) uses the name frequently, Allah(SWT) says it explicitly that if you desire the Izza, then all the Izza is for Allah(SWT) alone.
And, us coming after 1400 years later, how do we get to Izzah, and back to the golden age of Islam that we once had?
Firstly, it is by seeking our knowledge, this knowledge that desire and we should desire has two categories.
1) The knowledge of the deen itself
2) The knowledge of the great people that have left legacies behind in Islam.
So, lets us increase ourselves in this beautiful religion, and let us talk about what is some of the fundamental principals of the religion.
True Monotheism:
One of the most fundamental religion is that we can proudly say that we are the only or at least very few religions that call to the true monotheism, that is not only we believe in one creator/sustain er, but infact, our crux, of our religion is that we worship Allah(SWT) alone.
And, this is the most fundamental pillar of Islam, and that is something that we can be proud with. This is was the crux message of the Quran , and prophet hood of messenger of Allah(SAW). In fact, the scholars of Islam say that if we have to choose one theme in the Quran and Sunnah, you will see that both the Quran and Sunnah revolve in worshiping Allah(SWT) alone.
What is in other theme which we find in our beautiful religion?
We find the theme called love, we are commanded to love the creator, our people. And, in fact , we will not enter Jannah until we become the people who will love one another. The messenger of Allah(SAW) said
"You will never enter Jannah, until you believe and you will never believe until you love another, so shall I not guide to the thing which will increase in love for one another,spread the Salams to among yourselves".
And, SubhanAllah, I have been to many Muslim countries, but I have never felt love like in Malaysia, SubhanAllah. And, I remember coming to the University of Malaysia yesterday delivering the Jummah Khutbah, and you will normally get two or three people after Jummuah khutbah, coming to ask you question. But, I had something yesterday, and I have never felt anything in my life before.
That is without exaggeration, two or three hundreds of people coming to me, asking me whether can I take picture with you. And, I was like this is my first experience, but for me what stuck to me the most is that how polite the people were.
They were all calm ,saying Salam, and JazakAllahu Khayran , finally by saying by- the-way can I take picture with you.
But I love the fact that they give Salams and when I left the university, and all of these students, and all of these future leaders, In Shaa Allah, as you are walking through the university, saying Assamu Alaikum.
And, I thought to myself , "SubhanAllah, this is one of the greatest legacy of Islam that is left behind that we wish peace one for another, as we walk by one another. So, one of the key religions of aspect is to love one another.
What is another key of our faith?
Mercy & Compassion

It is mercy, and compassion.For those of you, who studied the hadith that you will notice that when you studied with shiekh, the first hadith he will usually teach you is
"Have mercy upon the people of the earth, heaven then he shall have mercy upon you"
This was one of the fundamental componenets of our conduct, with one another in fact you look at what Allah(SWT), sent the messenger of Allah(SAW) with , one how does Allah define with.
"We have not sent you O Muhammed(SAW) , except as a mercy for whole of mankind".
So where is that mercy is it today?. The key element of our faith is forgiveness.
Look at Yusuf(AS), he was betrayed by his own brothers, and treated unjustly and thrown to the well. And, in fact, the original plan was to kill him, but one of the brother suggested just to throw Yusuf(AS) into the well. Yusuf(AS) gets to be thrown to the well and being picked up & taken into slavery. He is accused something that is foul and being imprisoned unjustly. And, while, he is being imprisoned, the people he spoke to get help him getting out, they forget about him.
Think about how difficult life is that..Some years, goes by and he confront the brothers again. He is in the state of Izzah, power, he is the minister of now, he can have them exile. He can have them imprisoned or executed. But, what does he do? . He shows forgiveness,
"The no blame will be upon you today, May Allah(SWT) forgive you for he in indeed as his the most forgiving and most mericiful of all those who shows mercy."
And this is repeated by messenger of Allah(SAW), when he entered Mecca, and for thirteen years he was persecuted, his companions were killed ,mentally, physically and emotionally abused. And, he entered the state of Mecca in the state of Izza, doing what he could have done but again he humble himself in front of the Kabbah,and he tell the people,
" The no blame or reproach upon, May Allah forgive you".
And then all of the Mecca entered Islam in one day, showing you the power, character, integrity, what will wins the heart of the people, and the key fundamentals of our beautiful religion, FORGIVENESS and you can go on and on looking at the key themes in the Quran , Sunnah and the Seerah messenger of Allah(SAW), and this will increase you being proud Muslim. But, how many religion claim that it can be so perfect that it calls to the oness of Allah and worship alone and then calls to the such a good conduct and character.
"Be Just, as this is the closest thing to Taqwa".
"O messenger of Allah, and I want retribution`. You hit me unjustly, and it was not called for.."
What do you think messenger of Allah(SAW) do?
Think about the situation , this was the first battle, and everyone are one on the edge,nervous and anxious. messenger of Allah(SAW) could have said you know you're not in the place, get back to you line, and we can deal with this later. But, he did not do it, he showed us that even in such moments when the odds are against you, you will have to be JUST. It is because with the JUSTICE that Allah (SWT) will give victory, and Izza. So, what did messenger of Allah(SAW) do, he walks up to them and say here is staff and lift the shirt and say go ahead and hit.
Is he going to hit messenger of Allah(SAW) ,who in the right mind will do that?
The man ,he bent down and kissed the stomach of messenger of Allah(SAW), and it shows even in the war, they were not afraid to show love and affection for one another especially messenger of Allah(SAW).
So, this is the fundamental themes and characteristics, that we need to live by. So, this is the first element if knowledge, which getting to know what is our religion is all about.
And, then you move to the second element which I was talking about. That is , getting to know the luminaries of our beautiful faith.
The people who have left behind the greatest legacies, from the people who have left legacies are Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) who is showing the effect of perseverance.
During the time of Amirul Muiminin, Omer Ibn Khattab(RA), the Muslims went to expedition to the Rome, and during that time a group of Muslims were captured, at the head of of Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) , and his group were imprisoned. And, the ruler of the Rome at that time, he heard about the companions and they were literally like superheroes.
These were the people during the day were on the battlefield fighting and during the night praying and reciting the Quran, barely sleeping and eating. And, barely needing anything from this world.
At that time, he thought I want those superheroes to join me to be part of my family and create a greater legacy for Rome. So, once they were captured, the ruler/emperor, he did not kill them or persecute them. Rather, he came up to Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) and he says , " Look, I will let everyone of you to go, but just marry my daughter".
It means that he wants the lineage of the companions so that they can be also superheroes. Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) remembers who is his leader is Omer Ibn Khattab(RA), the man who literally threatened to chop of his head. And, Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) was like no way , you could be the ruler of the Rome, but I can't marry the enemy of the daughter. The emperor is not used to hearing no, and he was shocked and infuriated, he is very upset and he goes back to the chamber and contemplate/de liberates and takes some time, couple of hours or even a day go by.
And, he comes back , and he says "I am not accustomed to hearing No, but I can understand the situation that you are in, you are seeking the protection, not only I will give you my hand of my daughter but I will give you half of my kingdom,empire" *Side Note: This is one the biggest empire at that time*
"All you have to do is marry my daughter and I will give you my half of my empire and I will let all of your companions go"
Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) need not even to think about it, or contemplate and you could imagine how difficult it is this`. The two biggest desires of man is women and wealth. And, he is getting the best of both of them. But, he know that this is the religion of Allah, Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) is his leader, and messenger of Allah(SAW) is his prophet. And, there is greater mission to live rather than luxuries of this dunya.
He(RA) again say No to the emperor second time.
So, what does the emperor do this time?
He goes back, and he invites all the prisoner and bring in large cauldron, of hot boiling oil.
And, I want you all to imagine, if you fried something, once you put oil in the pan, you will hear the sizzling sound. The sound of boiling oil is even worse. It is not even sizzling any more , you will just hear bubbles popping, and that's what is happening in this large cauldron of boiling oil.
So, the emperor , brings all the prisoner with Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) , and he says " I will give you one more chance, marry my daughter, and have the half of the kingdom".
And, Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah said No again,
So what does the emperor do this time?
He takes one of the prisoners, and he lifts him up and throws him to cauldron of boiling oil, all you hear is the boiling sound and top of the cauldron, you see the floating bones of the sahabi without any flesh. At that time, Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) started to cry. And ,the emperor became rejoiced and he thinks he won Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) over. And, he lets Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) and the rest of prisoners to the prison, and then come to Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) and says
" Look , I can destroy all of you like this, just MARRY MY DAUGHTER".
This is the fourth time that he say no and the emperor never heard no before. Now, the emperor is ready to give up and he says
" Just kiss my forehead, and I will let you go".
And, what Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) said this time?
He still said no and this is not good enough for him to let free.
And, he says
" Let me and all of my companions go and I will kiss your forehead".
The king at that time gave up, and he is like Khalas go ahead. Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA), kissed his forehead, and the Muslims were let free. The king knew he can't get him anywhere. And, messengers among them hurried to Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) , and he told Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) that
"One man freed the nation, through a single kiss".
Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) get up on the minbar, and repeated to the people the same thing and said
" One man freed the nation, through a single kiss, and when Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah comes to Medinah, each on of you have to kiss his forehead"
And, you can imagine this region of the prisoners, coming back to Medinah.Who is standing in the minbar? It is Omer Ibn Khattab(RA). Who is in the masjid? It is the rest of the companions. And, as Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) coming forward, Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) kissed his forehead, and each of the companion kissing his forehead.
This is the lesson of #perseverance , that we as nation go through trials, turbulence, but we will never break our backs and subdue ourselves except to Allah(SWT). And, that is the result of it, which is #victory.
That man, that one companion, do you know why Abdullah Ibn Hudaiffah(RA) cried about it ?
He was later asked about it. He did not cry because of the pain , he cried because of the joy. And, he said
"Woe to me! that I could be that companion, that I could go through a minute of pain to live in eternity of paradise, and in fact I could relive that moment with that amount of hair, -meaning that numerous amount of times , I will do so. “
Because, he realized that the paradise, is the ultimate abort.

Now, let’s go to other luminaries, luminaries at the philanthropy, the Nobel companion who was from the poorest companions, how poor he is ? He owns nothing in this world except two pieces of clothing, it is his upper garment and lower garment.
One day messenger of Allah(SAW) is collecting the money, and he is asking to give in the way of Allah, and he (RA) came to messenger of Allah(SAW) , and he says " You know that, I only have these two clothing " So , he gave his upper clothing. And, the other companions are giving money and other things to messenger of Allah(SAW). And, time comes where he(RA) started to cry, and he walked away.
So, why does he cry and he walks away?
Does, he cry as he asked to give but he don't want to give ? No!, he is crying because he wants to give but he has nothing to give. He just had the lower garment which if he gave away , he will be nude, completely.
It is so beautiful that Allah(SWT) preserved in the Quran that ,
"That the eyes are flooded with tears and it is not because they were asked to give but they didn't want to, but because they were asked to give, and they had nothing to give"
The looks of Abu Bakr(RA), when the messenger of Allah(SAW) needed money, he brought everything he had. He was asked what he left behind for his family, and he said
" I left behind Allah and his messenger(SAW)".
This was the generosity that was unknown to the companions, and was unknown after the companions. But, this is the part, of our great legacy that we could be proud of. And, you look at the stories of the companions thereafter, and there are many, many other great examples.
Take the example,courage, Al-Bara' ibn Malik(RA), the Muslims were on expedition and they are outside the big fortress, and they could throw their arrows, nothing penetrating it. They could try hitting the door, nothing is penetrating it. And, the only way to defeat and win ,it is as if someone, thrown over the fortress and defend himself, and opens the door.
The companions were asked which one of you all, want to do this. Hands upon hands upon are going up but whose hands go up first? It is the hand of Al-Bara' ibn Malik(RA).
And, I want you all to imagine this, almost this is image of wild coyote and road runner. You know how wild coyote do crazy stuffs, slingshots, and catapults and anything to catch the road runner. This is what Al-Bara' ibn Malik(RA) get up to catapult, and they pulled it back and threw him over, and you could be thinking that he is thrown over to the enemy.
How could he survive?
This is suicide, but look at the courage Al-Bara' ibn Malik(RA) , not only he was thrown over , but he defend himself and open the door for the Muslims, and the Muslim went over and they won the expedition.
I ask you my Muslim brothers and sisters, where is the courage? .We are not in the time, war in this time. Alhamdullilah, we are safe and not fighting, but were is the courage of the leadership? where are the people who need to stand up for this religion? everyone have became so busy in this lives , so busy with the affairs in this world. But, what about the affairs of the hereafter?
Who is going to do for you? If you are not going to do for yourselves. This is all the theoretical knowledge. Let's get into the discussion as we Muslims become now the powerful, might, respected, dignified nation once again.
I would like share the famous poem of Rumi, he says

"Yesterday, I was clever so I thought ,I was going to change the world.Today, I am wise so I decided to change myself"
So, this is how our Ummah will change, when each individual take upon themselves not to change the world, but changing the world, by changing through themselves first. This is what is all about.
This world, it consists of individuals, and up till we fix individuals, starting with ourselves, our family members and our closest friends, and neighbours. We will truly never make a difference. So, it always begin with yourself first. What you need to change in yourself and ourselves ?
We need to do everything in Ihsaan meaning that it should not only be for the sake of Allah(SWT) , it needs to be like how messenger of Allah(SAW) responded, when he was asked by the angel Jibael , on what is Ihsan ?
"Al- Ihsan is worshipping Allah (SWT) as thought you can see him, and know that even though you know that you cannot see him ,know that he sees you"
Meaning, that your ultimate goal, is to one day to stand in front of Allah(SWT), and face him, the greatest luxury in the paradise.
How do you get to this stage?
1)It is by knowing, realizing in this world that Allah(SWT) himself is watching you. So, everything that you do in this world, do it with proficiency, excellence. And, this is why messenger of Allah(SAW) said
" Indeed, Ihsaan, proficiency that is commanded, in everything".
It is even in the way we sacrifice our animals, and we prepare them to eat. We do it with excellence. Even though, it is such a trivial matter, this is Ihsaan. So, we live our lives with Ihsaan.
2) Living according to the ultimate relationship that we have in this world, and the ultimate relationship is with Allah(SWT). While you have the affairs in this world, you need to have counterbalance in remembering Allah(SWT), that is Allah(SWT) created you in this world, for one sole purpose, so that `you could worship him.
When, we think about worship , we restrict ourselves to the Masajid, the month of Ramadhan or Hajj, these are such components of worship, Ibaadat. But, Ibaadat is something greater than that. Your sleep can be an act of Ibaadat, if it will give you the strength so that you can worship Allah(SWT).
Before you eat, if you say Bismillah and eat with the intention to acquire strength to worship Allah(SWT), it will become the act of Ibaadat.
Spending your time with you family members can become the act of Ibaadat, because bringing smile to face of your fellow Muslims, is the act of charity.
So, your whole life can become the act of Ibaadat,and that is what you need to focus on.
If you look at the life of Messenger of Allah(SAW), where did he get his strength?
-He got his strength by praying in the middle of night, so that he could change the world in the daytime.
The wife of Omer Ibn Abdul Aziz(Rahimullah), she was asked for secret of success for Omer Ibn Abdul Aziz.
-She said, he divided his day into day & night into two.
-The night is spent in the servitude for his creator, seeking Istighfaar, reciting Quran, making Dhikr, praying purely for the sake of Allah(SWT).
-The day time is spent is the service of his people.
So, the service at night for Allah, and service at the day for the people, this is the key for success and both of them had to go in hand to hand. While, you are doing the affairs of this world, you need to have strong relationship with Allah(SWT), because your relationship with Allah(SWT) is going to be your source of strength 3) Lastly, we only become the respected and dignified nation , if we live by the principles and code of conduct by our religion. I will share and conclude, with this one story with my opinions in it.
Short Story:

During the time of Omer Ibn Khattab(RA), there were two men who brought the boy dragging him to the court house. So, Omer Ibn Khattab(RA), asked him
"what is happening, why are you dragging him to the court house?".
They said this boy killed our father.
Then, Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) asked the boy,
"Did you really killed their father?".
The boy said,
"Yes, but it was done by accident. My camel it is used to eat from their property so one day their father took a rock, and hit the camel in the eye. And, the camel suffered and it made me infuriated, aggregated, so i took a rock and hit their father. It hit him on the head, and he died"
So, Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) asked the two brothers
"Will you forgive this young boy for this accident?"
They said
"No, we need retribution".
So, Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) asked the young boy
"Do you have any last words/request/wishes?"
The boy said,
"Yes, my father passed away, and I have a younger brother. My father left some money behind for my younger brother. And, I would like three days to go and retrieve this wealth from this hidden place so that I can ensure my brother gets it when I die or passed away"
So, Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) is thinking the boy is making up the story so told the boy
"What it this you are talking about, father,younger brother?"
And, the boy said,
"Trust me".
Then , Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) said ,
"Okay, I will trust you , but find a guarantor for you someone who will guarantee that you will come back"
The young boy he looks around, and he found the court room is packed and asked everyone,
" Will someone not help me today"
As, the boy said that, everyone turned away and put their face down. And, no one wanted to help this boy. And, from the back of the court house, a hand is being raised up.
Whose hand is it ?
Abu Dharr Al Ghifari(RA), the noble companion who gave Dawah to so many of the tribes and he said
" I will be the guarantor of this boy"
*Now, understand, what is being guarantor , meaning that if the boy does not come back , it the head of Abu Dharr Al Ghifari(RA) will be chopped off, he will be killed.*
So, the boy goes away.
The first days goes away and boy is no where to be seen. The second day goes by , the boy is still no where to be seen. And, Asar times comes on the third day, two brothers go to Abu Dharr Al Ghifari(RA) and tell him
"Come with us to the courthouse, it is the time"
Then , Abu Dharr Al Ghifari(RA) said
" I will come to the court house, but the day does not end until Maghrib"
So, Abu Dharr Al Ghifari(RA) is walking with these two brothers to the court house, and the people of Medinah are following behind them. All of them are going to the court house to see what is going to happen. It is now the talk of the town.
You can imagine the minutes going by, the court house is filling up , the anxiety is building up, will Abu Dharr Al Ghifari(RA) have his life sacrificed for the mistake of a boy, and literally minutes before the Adhan of salatul Maghrib, the boy rushes in.
And, the people are now shouting and they are very happy, and wondering what is going to happen, will everyone be forgiven and what is going to happen?
So, the boy comes and the Adhan of Maghrib has not gone.
Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) he asked the boy
"O Boy, why did you come back? . I did not send you spy to follow you. What made you to come back"
He said,
" I did not want anyone to say, that a Muslim gave his word and did not fulfill it ,so I came back".
Then , Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) turned to Abu Dharr Al Ghifari(RA), and he asked him
" What made you to be the guarantor of this boy?"
He said,
"I saw a Muslim in need, and I did want anyone to ever say that a Muslim is need and no one is there to help him , so I raised my hand to be the guarantor"
The two brothers (accused the boy"
" If we have people like these, how can a Muslim can ask for forgiveness and no one will be there to forgive him".
So, they forgave the boy. The boy was forgiven. This was the legacy of Islam and the code of conduct . This is why during the Khilafah of Omer Ibn Khattab(RA) , they were able to reach the border of China and all the way to south of France.
Final Conclusion:
It is because they had strong relationship with Allah, they did things with Ihsaan. And, they lived the conduct of Islam. And, this is when Allah(SWT) restore the Izza of this nation and once again make us proud of the great legacies that we left behind in the homes and we will be called as the great legacy. My dear brothers and sisters,this is the time, we should stand up, and began with changing ourselves and become proud of who we are as Muslims, worshipers and believers of Allah, followers of the Messenger of Allah(SAW), the reciters of the Quran , people who pray 5 times a day and they do it with honor, dignity and respect. I pray Allah that cleanse our hearts, and fills it with Eeman, and restores our great legacies starting with us today, that we change for something better so that it could be said, that in Malaysia(the sheikh is in Malaysian conference) , were the people who do things with Ihsaan, they have strong relationship with Allah and they restore the greatest legacy of Izza beginning with Malaysia. Allahumma Ameen. Wassalamu Walaikum Warahmatullahi Wabrakatuhu.
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