Notes from Fallen - Story Night by Nouman Ali Khan.
Parts of Surah Baqarah (In Sequential Order):
(Part 1) Believers, Non Believers & Munafiq(Hypocrites)
(Part 2) Adam (عليه السلام) story
(Part 3) Bani Israel & their laws/commandments from Allah
(Part 4) Ibrahim (عليه السلام) & his tests
(Part 5) Changing of Qiblah -To appreciate this . we have to read this section after reading all other sections (from 1-4 & 6-9).
Let's try to recall the incident that occurred between angels & Allah... (even before the mankind is produced):
-Angels told Allah that if mankind is going to be the Khalifa, Ruler, they would be causing (1)bloodshed & (2)corruption.
-Allah SWT replied to the angels "You don't know what I know."
Let's recall what angels mentioned to Allah when Allah told angels that mankind is going to be Khalifa, -Angels said "They would be causing blood shed & corruption"
Let's recap the sequence of Surah Baqarah:
(2) Adam AS
(3) Bani Israel & laws
(4) Ibrahim AS
(6) Trials (our ummah)
The sequence goes like a father,nation & then father,nation.
There is something interesting about this sequence:
Bani Israel did both corruption & blood shed. - Just like Angels said. While, Allah said, "You don't know what I know"-which means Allah knows human beings are capable of following Allah’s order & to do things that are amazing when they are the KHALIFA of this world. -This implies that Allah is talking about us. -And, we are the Khalifa. Khalifa does not only mean a ruler. Khaliha means having freedom to make decisions & in control of the situation.
-A father is a Khalifa to his family, a boss is a Khalifa to his employees etc.
- Hence, when we are starting to change ourselves and our surroundings(because we are Khalifa) , then the world will start to change.
**We have this huge responsibility that Allah swt gave (We can derive this from the conversation between Allah and Angels).**
Secondly, we need to realize that Bani Israel failed their tests(& they are continuing to fail) . While, our father failed one time and he turned back to Allah. And, Ibrahim(AS) passed all the tests. Now, it is our turn , and we are having tests now.
Changing of Qiblah also means changing of.... - Responsibilities(we are having a huge responsibility on us as we are born in this Ummah) -
We are facing the tests. It is now our turn to pass tests, In Shaa Allah.
(Part 6) Trials (specifically to our Ummah) -We can make comparisons to Ibrahim(AS) Test (Refer to part 4) & analyse on how we can improve ourselves.
(Part 7) Our Shariah/Laws/Commandments from Allah -And, can make comparison to Part 3.
-So, that, we will not fall on the same trap as Bani Israel.
(Part 8) Discusses about Earnings -Such as Good Transactions, Bad Transactions , Business etc. How is it related to (Part 2)?
-Adam (AS) and our mother,Hawwa ate from the tree due to their GREED (they wanted to be in Jannah forever & this is what Shaytan has promised)
Lessons Learnt: -Earning Money wrongly such as riba , it is due to GREED. -Hence , both ended up this way due to their GREED. -In fact, Allah swt mentions something that is very interesting
"Shaytan mentions bankruptcy to do evil deeds"
(Part 9) Dua to take refuge from Allah so that we will not be in the group of ,Kaafir (Non-Believers) & Munafiq (Hyporcrite).
- This is directly related to Part 1.
It is interesting to take note on how Quran is connected together perfectly, SubhanAllah :)
More Lessons learnt from this Surah:
1) Ibrahim AS asked Allah "how will you make a life from dead?" -Allah replied "Don't you believe in my message" and after that he made a dead bird to a bird that is back to life. -So, next time when we say our Ummah is dead, it is not capable of anything etc. Think Again! Allah is capable of bringing dead to life . And, the same concept applies for the revival of this Ummah. Our Ummah can be revived with the help of Allah.
2) It is not wrong to ask questions but it is wrong to ask it in a wrong way. -Best example is when the angels asked a question to Allah on why Allah has produced mankind as a Khalifah . However, they asked Allah in a dignified way. -While, Shaytan asked the question to Allah in an arrogant way "Why should I prostrate. ..... ". -Shaytan did this because he did not have a good opinion about Allah. -We should have a proper etiquette when we are asking questions about Islam etc.
3) We can make mistakes but we should never blame it to others. Take personal responsibility! -Adam AS and Shaytan, both made mistakes. -However, Adam AS and our mother after they have made a mistake, they repented and turn to Allah. They did not say to Allah like "You always wanted me to be the Khalifa of this world, so you made me to do this..".
Adam(as) acknowledged Allah’s plan & wisdom, realized his own mistake. So, he was the chosen one. While, Shaytan did exactly opposite. He said to Allah "Its your plan that I will make an error"... So, next time when you made a mistake. remind yourself on whose Sunnah that you are going to follow!
-You will be following either Adam's Sunnah or Shaytan's Sunnah!
Take personal responsibility for your own mistakes , turn to Allah & rectify it instead of blaming it on Allah, Qadr(predestiny).
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