The Poisoned Arrow-Lowering the Gaze.
by Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari
by Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari
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Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) says: "So He (Allah) put purity after lowering of the gaze and protecting of the private parts. For this reason lowering the gaze away from the prohibited things warrants three great benefits.1) Sweetness of Imaan and the pleasure that comes from it, which is more sweet and pleasing than that which he diverted his eyes away from for Allah's sake. Verily, whoever abandons a thing for Allah's sake, He (swt) compensates him with better than it.2)It is a light in the heart and quality of intuition3)The strength of the heart and steadfastness and courage. So Allah (swt) would give him, by His strength, the ability of wisdom and substantiation, and the devil would flee from him as it has been mentioned in the saying, "Whoever fears his whims, the devil would race out of his shadow."
“Allah knows the fraud of the eyes and all that the breasts conceal.” (Surah Ghafir 40:19)
Imagine there was a person who used his laptop to take elicit videos and pictures, somehow police found him and found his laptop and webcam. Do you think they will confiscate the laptop only? The webcam only? Or both?
It is obvious that they will confiscate both.
Imagine there was a person who used his laptop to take elicit videos and pictures, somehow police found him and found his laptop and webcam. Do you think they will confiscate the laptop only? The webcam only? Or both?
It is obvious that they will confiscate both.
Apply this example on your life:
This example resembles our lives. Suppose that your eyes are the webcam and you are the laptop. You use your eyes to see various things but the corruption occurs in your hearts. The eye functions, it is just a tool.
This example resembles our lives. Suppose that your eyes are the webcam and you are the laptop. You use your eyes to see various things but the corruption occurs in your hearts. The eye functions, it is just a tool.
"It is He who has produced you and made for you hearing and vision and
hearts; little are you grateful." (Surah Al-Mulk: 23)
Allah confirms that there are
some people who use Allah’s blessings for wrong reasons. People are aware of
the things they use are given by Allah but they are heedless when it comes to
Allah. We often do not show thankfulness to Allah. But we should understand
that the end is about the corner. We always imagine that we won’t be the ones
who meet with the disasters but we never know.
Ibn-Taymiyyah quoted:
“Gazing is a poisoned arrow to the heart”
Ibn-Taymiyyah quoted:
“Gazing is a poisoned arrow to the heart”

This ruling applies on both the genders. However, there is a leniency for women and they are allowed to watch men but without any desire and lust.
Allah is well-aware of the treachery of the eyes. He knows what the chests conceal. If the creation does not see you doing a sin, Allah (SWT) is watching!
You will be questioned about your sight on the Day of Judgment. Did you see them to observe the signs of Universe? Are we using our eyes for lawful means or we are watching the TV? You can get news from the newspapers; there are some really evil objectives behind the television programs.
Why do we insist on continuing
with our sins despite the knowledge that Allah (SWT) has made them forbidden
for us?
Following our
desires and following the Satan. You cannot enter Paradise if your desires are
your God.
whoever is blinded from remembrance of the Most Merciful - We appoint for him a
devil, and he is to him a companion.” (Surah Al-Zukhruf 43:36)
people are so misguided that they don’t even realize that they are on the wrong
path, they consider themselves to be going with the flow.
Being ignorant of
the consequences of looking at the prohibited and unlawful images or the
opposite gender. These images come into your mind when you are busy in worship;
Satan makes them pop into your mind particularly at the time of worship. This
will ruin your concentration at the time of worship and distract you from
Allah. Don’t belittle the consequences of your bad sight.
Avoiding Marriage.
Islam highly recommends that all men and women get married if they are able to;
as it will help you lower your gaze. This responsibility lies on the shoulder
of the parents. They should not make it a trade; this negates the ease of
Islam. Prophet (S.A.W) married his daughters in less than 100 riyals.
People depending on
Allah’s quality of Being Most Forgiving and forgetting the fact that they are
responsible to all for all their actions. Allah says in the Quran:
Muhammad], inform My servants that it is I who am the Forgiving, the Merciful.
And that it is My punishment which is the painful punishment.” (Surah Al-Hijr
cannot believe in one aspect of Allah and ignore the others. Allah has created
the Hellfire and there are some people who will enter it. Allah loves the
righteous and good-doers, He does not love those who do not deserve His Love.
Bad Companionship.
There are some people who get you off the track. Be careful of the company who
takes you to places where looking and gazing at people will bring you Allah’s
Watching movies,
soap operas and images of women. Exposing yourself to these things is not
befitting for the believers. Do you
expect to enter eternal bliss by having a bunch of entertainment in this life?
Being in places
where women and men mix often.
Lack of Fear of
Allah and being heedless of the fact that He is watching you. People continue
to disobey Allah until there is a shield and veil pulled on their hearts, they
become distant to Allah. Only way, you won’t be disgraced on the Day of
Judgment is when you have a sound heart.
Women adorning
themselves and exposing themselves to men in the streets. Women do not
understand the objective of their lives.
So Repent and
Avoid these acts.
You can
avoid the regret of the Last Day by obeying Allah and being aware of His
“So as for he
who transgressed. And preferred the life of the world, Then indeed, Hellfire
will be [his] refuge. But as for he who feared the position of his Lord and
prevented the soul from [unlawful] inclination, Then indeed, Paradise will be
[his] refuge.” (Surah An-Naziyaat 37-41)
What a Muslim can
do to clean himself from this Disease?
Depending on Allah and seeking Only His aid.
Remember that your eyes will bear witness for you on the
Day of Judgment.
Always remember Allah to protect yourself from Satan.
Struggling against your desires, strive against them.
Remember Hoor-ul-Ain you will meet in Jannah.
Read the books of our righteous predecessors.
Do good acts of worship to wash away your past sins.
Remember that as you treat people, you will be treated the
same way by Allah. If you don’t want others to gaze at the women of your house,
then don’t look at other’s wives and daughters (or any other ladies of other
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