Surah Hujurat, 49th Surah of the Quran which has listless, timeless reminders about Muslims’ morals, principles that if we learn, we will know what to do as a Muslim, and how we should live as a society together. And , it is not only about Muslims living together, but also it deals with all the humanity. And, each one of them has own subject to address about, and can lead to one khutbah per subject.
Do, ponder about Surah Hujurat and reflect how can it applied in you as Muslim, In this Khutbah, only one segment/ayat of the Surah will be covered.
O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful. [49:12]
Rough Explanation:
Those of you who claim to believe, avoid/stay away from assumptions, no doubt after assumption comes sin
Right before this ayat, it addresses about not making fun of people.
O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one's] faith. And whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.
Stand up comedies, tv-shows make comedy by mocking at the ethnicity by the accent etc. And, in this ayat ,Allah say this is a NO,NO. This is not a type of comedy that we should enjoy. Though, today’s khutbah is not about about that, it is also important to take note that, ASSUMPTIONS are also result due to enjoying/or making jokes about it. This will lead to your convictions. And, this khutbah is not about ethnicity/racism issues but amaking fun of other faiths such the Pakistani making fun of the Sikhism/Hinduism etc, will lead you to make ASSUMPTIONS about a person/group. The jokes might be funny at the start, but then it will make us stereotype/being judgemental about particular faith or ethnicity.
In, other parts of the Quran, we were told that we will not be hold accountable for our intentions unless we are doing it (actions). But, there are exceptions for it, and this Surah, is the example for it. Allah is saying that do not even make ASSUMPTIONS , that is going through your mind . In the previous ayat, Allah says not to ridicule and the ayat after that , we were told not to spy. In both the ayats, we were discouraged only for our actions but in this ayat, Allah saying that we should only think good about others(which is actually intentions). And, if we are not correcting our intentions, Allah is saying that all we are entitles to all the punishments that are discussed in the following ayats such as RIBA, etc. It is important to understand the importance of intentions because all the SINS are started with bad intentions/thinking process .And, this is what Allah is addressing to us.
Look/Examine the Ayat More:
- Ihjinat , comes from the root word, JAM. which means sitting on side. It also means to avoid something that is right next to you. So, you have to avoid Ihjinat that, is not far away but that is something that is next to you. And, it does not come naturally, but you have to do something about it. It takes effort. Even , if you are not doing it or haven’t done it , you should make effort not to do it in future. No one should think that they are pure enough not to fall in this mistake/danger because if we are not having the tendency to do it , Allah will not even have address the issue.
- Katheran mina Dhoun where Allah is stressing about assumptions , Allah is saying that we have the possibility of assuming in every of our conversation. So, we should be conscious about.
Dhoun- means making assumptions which we are not clear about but it is also means that you are making so many assumptions until you are fully convinced.
Example of the word usage:
There are people who say that they will not raise up after they have died- Allah is saying that they do not have knowledge, but they are just assuming.
So , how does it start?
It is by merely saying/assuming that the guy dresses like KUFFAR, or the guy does not have beard and I don’t even like that guy. You look at the person, and you will just don’t like the person. And, eventually, your assumptions will lead to convictions (by making stereotypes). This can be for specific ethnicity or even family matters.
Like , if you compliment your wife for her cooking, she will not believe you, this is called Dhoun. You are not teleopathic , do make or give a chance to doubt.
This can be so bad until that we cannot even greet Salam properly but with grudges.
Or, even when Uztad Nouman Ali Khan is looking at everyone randomly at the audience, some of the audience will be assuming that Uztad is addressing the topic to them.
-You cannot even acknowledge when people are advising you for good things/complimenting ,if we have immense in the Dhoun, we will not even be able to give advices to each other.
Worse Implications:
This can even be worsened when we are asking advice to our Du'aat or Ulama with ASSUMPTIONS.
*Do take note that our Ulama are not Prophets, so they might make mistakes but this will not reduce their good deeds .And, do understand if you are not having good opinion about a particular Ulama it might be because you are not agreeing with his opinion and not necessarily that they are saying wrong things.
-Just imagine, if you have said something wrong, 5 years ago, and then people are not listening to you just because of your one small mistake. And, this is what is happening now.
There are worse situations where people are not listening to lecture to get benefitted but to attack the speaker. So, instead coming to closer to Allah, they will come to make ASSUMPTIONS. What is wrong with all these people?
We are so busy finding faults of others, we have no time to advise good to each other. Is the entire Ummah is familiar with our book(Quran) to say who has done wrong? We do not have time and it is not worth our energy & effort. The message of the Quran should be spread, but we are being busy with finding faults in others. Assumptions will lead to doubts, then convictions.
Then , it will lead to ,
- ithn which is used in rough translation as SIN. but what it is really about? - Ithn used in ancient arabic poetry for gambling. So, you are gambling while you are making assumptions.
1)It is because you could be right or wrong when you are gambling. And, we know that gambling is forbidden
2)And, the word(ithn, sin) is also used for consuming alcohol. So, if you assume a lot, you can be in a state of person like a drunkard.
3)It also means compensation , it does not only mean that the angel will record the sin and you will see it in Judgment Day. But, it also means that you can see the evil in this world, dunya also.
The brotherhood, or family or nations can be destroyed due to ASSUMPTIONS.
We have seen how the political rumour has destroyed a lot of society and people have DIED. This is very serious, it can ruin entire nation or country.Many of the wars, are caused merely by just ASSUMPTIONS. And, how many people lives are paid off due to just mere ASSUMPTIONS.
-It is not only for the believers but also used for the whole human nations(NAS).
-Allah is saying that he made different nations, to get to know each other but not to make ASSUMPTIONS.
Before Allah addressed the whole of humanity, he addressed the Muslims, the reason is that , we Muslims should be role model in not to make stereotypes.
We should be clear in our communication, we should not pass any judgments until we are clear about it. When somebody ask any opinion about the scholar or someone, we Muslims should say “ I do not have much knowledge about it” and then just stop the conversation. But what we are doing now is totally opposite. We will say something like “ I do not have much to say about the Imaam but I think he is pretty bad”. You just have to make full stop after you have said that you have not much to say!
Or, if not you make excuses for your brother by saying that , “ I do not have much things to say about “...”, but I think he is a good brother/sister” .If, you are saying bad things about a person without knowledge, you are just violating in what PBUH has taught us. Second tip, if you encounter a situation like that just change the subject.
We people, should seek clarity before stepping forward in our family, social, work or even news issues. The news issues are always making some kind of fear in people, so we should clarify the corrupt sources.And, until we have fully understood it, then don’t make any judgments. If, we are not looking at the flaws at the people, or don’t make assumptions/judgments, rather than sincerity toward others, we will be a better Ummah.
We hope that you have benefitted from the notes provided above. If , there is any mistakes ,it is due to our shortcomings and not on the speaker. Do pray for us if you have benefitted from it in any sort.
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