Saturday 22 March 2014

Mawlid- Transcript of Dr. Bilal Philips

Prophet Birthday by DR.BILAL PHILPS

Special Status of Masjid al-Haram
The Quran stated Prophet Abraham (A.S) prayed and asked Allah (SWT) to bless Makah & its people. The reason is that he had to go through a test commanded by Allah (SWT), to leave his wife, Hagar and his son, Ishmael in a desert. However, Allah (SWT) blessed that particular circumstance by making Makah as a place in Arabia for commerce.
Secondly, he made Prophet Abraham (A.S) to build first house of worship in Makah, Masjid al-Haram, dedicated to worship only One God, Allah (SWT). This house of worship was built before the construction of Masjid Al-Aqsa/ Bayt al-Muqaddas. Masjid al-Haram preserved like no other structure of worship of the Prophet has been preserved. Today, there are no structures that are built by the Prophets in the past with the exception of Masjid Nabawi in Medinah. Masjid Nabawi was built by the last messenger Prophet Mohammed (SAW).
Masjid Haram has always been persevered even when the people will fall into idolatry and when they made Makah as a center of idol worship in Arabia. The prayer of Prophet Abraham (A.S) made the Makah as a purified place through Prophet Mohammed (SAW) who made the Masjid Haram as place solely for worship of One God.
References of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in other religious scriptures:
Prophets came upon based on prophesy given by Prophet Moses (A.S). It is still recorded today in Torah despite having distortion all over it. It is found in the Book of Deuteronomy in Allah’s statement that he would rise up among brethren of Prophet Moses (A.S). He would rise up a Prophet like Prophet Moses (A.S) who would speak of what he heard from the God and would establish like Prophet Moses (A.S) which is the rule of God. He would live a complete life like Prophet Moses (A.S), by marrying and having children. And the only one who came from brethren is Prophet Mohammed (SAW). In the distortion of Gospel according to the various writers, reference or attributes made by Prophet Jesus (A.S) of him speaking the “of the one who would come after him”. It is translated in the ‘spirit of truth’ and also indifferent translations, the name (Mohammed, SAW) was specifically mentioned. The Prophesy of Mohammed (SAW) was mentioned by Prophet Jesus (A.S). The people who were true and sincere followers knew the arrival of prophesy by Prophet Mohammed (SAW) . This is seen in a particular incident of the biography of Prophet Mohammed (SAW). During, his (SAW) youth he travelled with Uncle Abu Talib to Syria. On the way, they met a monk who was familiar with the scriptures and was able to identify Prophet Mohammed (SAW) as the one who was told to come in the scriptures. Hence, Prophet Mohammed (SAW) was prophesied by Prophet Abraham (AS), Prophet Moses (AS) and Prophet Jesus (AS).
Before & After Prophesy of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Prophet Mohammed (SAW) came at the time when the world had fallen into a depth of darkness. It is the end of 6th century and beginning of 7th century. This was time, when the Christianity falls into the depth of the idolatry, Trinitarian concept of god and practices which are furthest from the teachings of the Prophet Jesus (AS). Other countries like in Persia, people were worshipping dual gods (Ahura Mazda), “God of Light” & “God Darkness”, “Spenta Mainyu” & “Angra Mainyu”. There was full of distortion. In India, idolatry practiced and not knowing virtually who the God was. Similarly, in Africa (North Africa, Sudan) & Egypt refined the people in the depth of idolatry whereby the mankind turned into slaves of producing the largest monuments of idolatry, the worship of Satan. Idolatry is ultimately the worship of Satan and anything that we worship beside Allah is satanic. In Mecca, the Kabah was surrounded by over 360 idols. Idols were from various states of Arabia and were also from neighboring countries. Mecca became the place of idolatry for Arabia. People made pilgrimage there to worship idols.  This was the state of the world.
If we reflect on the attitude of us to those who help us,
Example: if you are in great difficult situation in job and somebody came along and he helps you out. That is when you feel committed to the person and love the person. Love the person to do anything for the person. Or when you are sick and dying, a doctor comes and cures you. You are forever in debt to the person. This is how you feel all over the materials of life. So how you should feel about the one who save us from Hell? Save us from offence which is far greater that saving our physical being or economic being. We should naturally feel committed, love and total will of willingness to do for this individual. That is to do whatever we can do which he requested from us. This is evident when he describes himself in a metaphor. “He is like a person who sets the fire in night. When he sets the fire, the insects will fly to the fire as they are attracted to it. And, the person who sets the fire will prevent the insects to fly to the fire. He will try to fight and stop them flying to the fire but they will insist in flying to the fire.”-This is the example of how he describes himself. He (SAW) came to stop us and show us a way that is away from the fire. But the mass of mankind wants the fire in ignorance. However, this is the role he played.
Prophet Mohammed (SAW) taught us the Quran, which is greatest and final revelation from Allah. And he also taught us the wisdom to understand the application of the Quran through his lifestyle, which is called as the Sunnah, whereby he demonstrate to us on how the Quran to be understood and how it should be applied. He cured us from spiritual sicknesses of Shirk which was destroying the mankind. Those people from Persia, India and South Africa etc., which we mentioned in the previous example, many of them were saints. Through the upcoming of Islam, it liberated them from the servitude of Shirk and worship of the rulers through the freedom to submit oneself to One true ruler, Allah and the only one who deserves servitude.
He cured from the social sicknesses- like jealousy, unfair competition in business field in marriage field. Example of unfairness in marriage field is that when you know that you proposed to a woman whom your brother has already proposed despite knowing the fact and this is prohibited in Islam.
He cured us of many of the social ill from his teachings. Hence, if we are truly honest with ourselves, we will not be able to help ourselves indebted to him (SAW). The only thing which he (SAW) asked us is to worship and submit our will to Allah (SWT). And, he (SAW) also asked us to pray for him (SAW)-Please take note that it is ‘pray for him’ but not ‘pray to him’.
Reason behind the celebration of Mawlid
While Prophet Mohammed (SAW) was raised in Makah, his birth was the beginning. However, his (SAW) significance is on his message, the message that he brought from the God. The message reached on his 40th year of his lifetime and continued till his death, which was 23 years later. The spreading the message was the greater significance of Prophet Mohammed (SAW). And, that is the reason, in the Quran; Allah (SWT) does not speak about his birth date but about raising Prophet Mohammed (SAW) as the messenger. That is the conveyance of the message to him and conveyance of the message to the people. This is what found in all over the Quran, whereby Allah (SWT) conveys to the people that Prophet Mohammed (SAW) is the messenger and précising his message and neither the time of his birth nor the time of his death. Though he (SAW) was born and died, this was not emphasized. Hence, the significance of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) lies on his message which he brought.
However, unfortunately, we have phenomena which spread over the Muslim world from around 11th or 12th century wherein the birthday took on more importance than the prophet message itself. So, people began to celebrate his (SAW) birthday, the imitation of Christians from the Christians who celebrated the birthday of Prophet Isa (A.S). They don’t call him (AS) as the Prophet but as the God’s son. Then, some Muslims began to celebrate Prophet Mohammed (SAW) his birthday. The idea most likely came from satanic sources, from the helpers and friends of Satan. The Satan would have introduced these ideas in a fashion that is attractive. Example the Satan will say “Isn’t Prophet Mohammed (SAW) greater than the Prophet Isa (AS). “ “If people celebrate the birthday of Isa (AS), we should celebrate Prophet Muhammad (SAW) birthday more. “.Satan would not come very evil because we would not agree with it and in something that we will agree upon, like true, worthy of words. Moreover, Satan can also whisper like “Christians can spend all their money and time on someone who is lesser than our Prophet and we should outdo/better them”. And the ignorant mass of people will agreed upon it. The practice came upon Egypt, it was rule of the Shiites, and the deviants who deviated from the mainstream of Islam whereby they elevated the status of the descendants of Prophet Mohammed (SAW), to a status that was similar to Allah (SWT) give his qualities to the man. These individuals began to celebrate the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) birthday on the national scale. And from there it spread, even till now in the Muslim world, in the every single country without exception the birthdate of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is celebrated. Perhaps only Saudi Arabia is the only country that does not celebrate with the official sanction and do not declare it as the public holiday
But there will be people who will celebrate it privately at homes. As there are scholars of Saudi Arabia are opposed to it and spoke about it. Hence the mass of people of Saudi Arabia will not celebrate the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) birthday. However, there will people who celebrate the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) birthday.
However, in other Muslim countries it is declared as public holiday, Milad-Un-Nabi. It is celebrate like the Eid. The message of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) is neglected. And the people began with the personality cult, where the individual began to have the importance than the message brought –which is opposite of what Quran is taught. The Quran teaches is that the message is more important than the individual. Prophet Mohammed (SAW) is only the vehicle, we respect, pray and love him because Allah (SWT) chose him and not because of him and himself, they were men like other men. However, what make us the worthy of our love, confidence and trust is that message he brought and Allah (SWT) chose him to carry the message to us. Unfortunately, the people caught up in his (SAW) individuality so his birthday became important. This is something which Prophet Mohammed (SAW) warned us about as he said that we should not be excessive in praising of him (SAW) like the way the Christians did to the Prophet Jesus (AS). Also, not make the burial of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) as a gathering for celebration or worship like the people in the past that did to their prophets. And he (SAW) also told them not to to praise beyond my words ( Rasul, Messenger of Allah) like Prophet Isa(AS) .Prophet Isa(AS) told them not to praise him more than ‘Abdullah, the slave of the god.’ He (SAW) emphasize to people in practical life that he is a man like them.  When people came to seek him out when he sat among his companions, people who do not know him were not able to identify him unless somebody pointed at him (SAW).He (SAW) was indistinguishable from his companions. He (SAW) sew his own clothes, mended his own shoes, he live a simple and basic life. The importance in not about the man (SAW) but the message which he (SAW) brought.
Benefits by praying to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
It was confirmed by Allah (SWT) that whenever we pray for the Prophet (SAW) , our rewards will get multiplied and we get benefitted. Hence, he (SAW) get benefitted and we also get benefitted. But, our benefits are more crucial as we are in NEED to get the benefit. As its when we will remind about our duty to follow his (SAW) commands and his way of life. Allah (SWT) emphasize his (SAW) significance by placing his (SAW) name on the call of prayer, Adhan, so that we could hear it 5 times a day and also on Iqama another 5 times a day. It is to remind him (SAW) and his (SAW) importance.
Mawlid & Bid’ath
Prophet Mohammed (SAW) told us
“Whoever did a deed which is not sanctioned by me, by Islam, that deed will be rejected, it will be of no benefit; and whoever bring anything new to this Deen, religion which bring a source of misguidance”.
“Wa sharrul Umoori Muhdathaatuha, Wa kulla Bid’atin dhaiala wa kulla dhalatin fin-naar” Al-Hadith (Sahih Muslim).
-Every innovation is a misguidance and every misguidance goes to Hell fire
The new changes to the religion will lead the person to the hell because behind these innovations are the satanic forces. They are appealing to us initially but eventually they bring us out of the religion. This was teaching that prohibits any new practices to the religion. Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his companions, the student of the companions and the students of the students of the companions whom did not celebrate his birthday.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
“The best of generation is my generation then the generation which comes after that, then the generation which comes after that.”
So if the best three generation of mankind did not celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Can the celebration be good? No, it cannot be because it is the contradiction of the message.
Hence, when we attend those celebrations in most part of the world, there will be free mixing of opposite genders, maybe taking intoxicants and singing the song that which elevate Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to the status of Allah and give qualities of Allah of omniscience, power that only belong to Allah (SWT).They have their Qasidah’s, songs and the meaning of the verses will be shirk. They are giving attributes to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that only belong to Allah (SWT) which is the Shirk. Music is found in the celebrations. Music has been described by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) deviant; the work of Satan, the part of destruction to the path of Allah (SWT) and this people will be deeply involved in these practices. The people will be neglecting their compulsory duties. Example: A man who does not pray, fast but he will celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). And if we speak against about celebrating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), he will consider us as the apostate and will be ready to kill us. Huge amount of money of wasted is wasted during the celebration when paying the people those who make music. However those people who are paying to the musicians, they do not even pay their regular Zakaat and do not divide the inheritance properly but according to their own will and wishes. They are not following the principle of Islam when it is coming to the celebration of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).It comes as something that they will give everything so it is a deviation, it deludes them that they are pleasing Allah(SWT). People who are not prepare to do what they are required to do, they seek the shortcuts. By attending to the celebrations and showing love to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), they assume they will be carried to the paradise though they do not pray 5 times a day or pay Zakaat. This aspect resembles like Christianity which teaches everything about love. Christianity teaches about the Prophet Jesus (AS) which will bring them to the paradise, and blessed. The people have modified the religion to the Christianity. Though they call themselves as Muslims, they have become Christians. Their love to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) , is not accepted in any shape or form.
Expression of our love to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
“None of you truly believed, until I became more beloved than his wife, children, parents, things of the world and even him.”-
When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said this, Omer (R.A), the second caliph said:
O messenger of Allah, you are truly beloved to me than my wife, children, parents, and all the things in the world except myself.”
And the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said
”Better check yourself.”
After reflecting, Omer (RA) said again ,
“No, no except myself”.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said
“No, you have not really believed so much”.
It is true, this is their flaws, and how we show love to Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Is it by disobeying the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? Example, if someone says that he loves you so much but whenever we ask him to do something, he says that he is too busy. The meaning of love is something that drives you; serve the one who love you.
Allah (SWT) tells us to be aware of your wife and children as they can become enemies of you. As for them, you might disobey Allah (SWT).So we have to check your love, as it should not become a stage where you disobey Allah (SWT) to please them. When this happens, you have gotten into Shirk. Your love to Allah’s creation becomes greater than the creator. Then that will become the path to hell. Hence, we are warned about this.
The true love will cause a person to serve, to do thing and obey the one he love. The one who truly deserve our full sense of love is Allah (SWT) and his messenger. The reason to love the messenger in this fashion, it is by understanding the love of Allah (SWT) as Allah says
قُلْ إِن كُنتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللَّهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِى يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللَّهُ
“Say, if it is that you love me, follows me and Prophet of Allah, and then I will love you”. The reason is that when we love, we seek the one whom we love to love us back. So we want Allah (SWT) to love us, we have to love the Prophet. When we love the Prophet, we are following Allah
Because Allah says
مَّنْ يُطِعِ الرَّسُولَ فَقَدْ أَطَاعَ اللّهَ” –
“He who obeys the messenger (thereby) obeys Allah”.
We are expressed to love Prophet Muhammad (SAW) because we love Allah (SWT) and it is the obedience to Allah (SWT).Here it lies the essence of love of Prophet Mohammed (SAW), it is obedience to him. That obedience is doing what he is commanded and avoiding what he has prohibited. The reason is that we know that whatever he had conveyed to us is from Allah (SWT), he didn’t speak of himself.
وَمَا يَنْطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَى
إِنْ هُوَ إِلا وَحْيٌ يُوحَى
Allah (SWT) describes Prophet Mohammed (SAW), that he does not speak from his own desire and what he is relate to you is revelation. Hence, his actions and statements were secondary form of Allah (SWT) demonstrating to us and that is the reason for us to oblige to obey Prophet Mohammed (SAW). Obey the Quran and obey him (saw) as Allah (SWT) says ‘obey Allah, and obey the messenger’. The reason is that the two are inseparable.
So what is our expression of love and what is required from us? It is to follow Prophet Mohammed (SAW). This is our declaration of faith.
When we say أشهد أن لا إله إلاَّ الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله, “I bear witness that there is no god except Allah”, “And I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”.
The one (SAW) who convey to us the message of Allah (SWT).The meaning he (SAW) is the individual in our life who we are obliged to follow blindly and whatever he told us, we follow because he is the messenger of Allah. If really believe Prophet Mohammed (SAW) is the messenger of Allah, we will have no reluctance in obeying his commandments and avoiding the things which he (SAW) prohibited. When we find reluctance in doing or avoiding on what he told, we are finding ourselves an aspect of weakness of faith, a portion of disbelief. If we are in the same level and seek to do other righteous deeds to cover it up, it will be fine. But, if it grows, it will become full form of disbelief. (Quoting example) “One week ago, an individual was executed for cursing Allah (SWT) and his messenger. The individual said that the Quran was lie and it was made up. The person is the one which Satan has finished him away. And the person began the state of disbelief in small stage”.
We know that sins are in different level. Allah (SWT) has warned us to fear him to a degree that we are able. We try to fear him to a degree that we are able to do. However, we should not neglect the fact that in small areas of disobedience leading widespread in our practice, may lead to major disobedience. We always have to be in struggle and effort to try to stop and keep back these forces which are destroying our faith. It is a constant struggle so it is very important for us to remember Prophet Mohammed (SAW). It is not to remember him only in one specific day of the year but on every day as Allah (SWT) commanded us through Adhan , Iqamah and Tashahhud .
لتحيات لله والصلوات والطيبات، السلام عليك أيها النبي ورحمة لله وبركاته، السلام علينا و على عباد الله الصالحين، أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، وأشهد أن محمدا عبده و رسوله.( Tashahhud).
We are commanded to remember him in daily life and that is how we should live it. It should be constant and reflecting on Prophet Mohammed (SAW) of what commanded us to do and try to apply that in day to day lives.
Reasons for celebration of Mawlid
People fall into the trap in either (1) ignorance or (2) they are seeking the worldly benefit/gain or they have (3) chosen deliberately the path of evil.
Those of us, who have fallen into the trap in the past, should reflect in which of the categories that we fell into. If it was the first category, we need to understand the Islam properly and this is the purpose of the Khutbah  which is to make to us aware of what is required from us as Muslims in terms of relationship to Prophet Mohammed(SAW), how we express the love for him(SAW) and  to understand and be educated to that. If we do that we can save ourselves. If we are the second category of people to celebrate Prophet Mohammed (SAW) birthday .Example: We are doing that to please the boss in our company. If the boss invites you to the celebration of Prophet Mohammed (SAW). You are afraid that your absence might lead you not to be among people liked by the boss or you might lose your job. So out of fear of displeasing the boss, you displease the boss. We should reflect ourselves where are we headed because for sure, it is hell. If we do not want to be headed to hell, we should correct ourselves and get out of the situation. Those who insist (3rd category of people) are the ones who rejected faith and are in disbelief, for them this topic has no meaning.  As Allah (SWT) says “ Veil on their eyes and sealed their hearts, ears”. So telling them is like not telling them.
InshAllah, the topic will make us reflect not only in the direct issue of not only in the birthday celebration of Prophet Mohammed(SAW) but also the issues of the innovations in Islam in general.
Spread the message to stop the Mawlid celebration
We should be wary of the issue of the innovation and especially to the new reverts to the Islam. We might find ourselves going back to our homeland and may find people practicing many different things. It is not only our duties to fall into the trap of the practices but analysis the basis of the practices. If it is not found in the teaching of the Quran or Sunnah of Prophet Mohammed (SAW), we have to reject the practices. We have to oppose the practices but the position should be done wisely. It means we should not just call them as ‘mushrikin’ or disbelievers but we have to educate them like how we were educated. Enable them to understand the Islam from its foundation and in that way we can convey the message. The message should be of revival of the return of the pure Islam brought by Prophet Mohammed (SAW), 14 hundred years ago. This is the blessing which Allah (SWT) gave to mankind through Prophet Mohammed (SAW). We may take benefits from it and pass it on to the others.
In media, there is an attempt where the official position is against the innovative and prohibited celebration. In media, they are going to make Prophet Mohammed (SAW) birthday appealing so in some of the newspapers, the Shayk found a page of praises in poem of Prophet Mohammed (SAW).
Rulings of celebration of birthdays
If the birthday celebration of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) is prohibited in Islam, then the celebration of our own, children birthday goes without say. If we have to prohibit the celebration of Prophet Mohammed (SAW), we have to prohibit our own birthdays too. One may also say that the act of birthday celebration of Prophet Mohammed(SAW) is a religious act when he does the act , he thinks that he is pleasing Allah(SWT). Hence, when this happens, this forms an innovation to the religion because we cannot please Allah (SWT) with something Prophet Mohammed (SAW) did not teach us. The only things that are pleasing to Allah (SWT) is what Prophet Mohammed (SAW) taught us to do.
As our Prophet Mohammed (SAW) said,
“I did not leave anything that will bring close to Allah (SWT)”.
Hence the person may want to argue that when he celebrate his or his children birthday , he do not believe that he doing a religious act that will please Allah(SWT) but it is just merely a cultural practice. Hence, it should not be included along the celebration of Prophet Mohammed (SAW). It is true that it might not be in the category of one’s intent. However, if one looks at the origin of the birthday by looking through encyclopedia, the heading and text will refer that it comes from pagan practices. Idol worshipers of the past, put special significant to the time of the birth of person which is also expressed in zodiac, astrology etc. All of these are the pagan concept of thought which are the roots of the celebration of one’s birthday. Hence by celebrating the birthday, one is imitating the pagan practices of other cultures.
Prophet Mohammed (SAW) said
“Whoever imitates the way of people are from those people”.
We Muslims are enjoined to avoid the factors especially of pagans’ origins. The facts of celebration of one’s birthday, there are harmful effects can come to one’s family because of its un-Islamic nature. Example: when a child tells to the parents that the neighbor invited them to his birthday party and it ask the parents to buy the presents as it is necessary to buy presents when attending the birthday parties. The economic situation may not allow the parents to buy a present or present of a particular standard that is common. Hence, the child will be put in position of embarrassment when it give the small/little nothing kind present and feel bad as everyone are giving big presents. And the child cannot understand about the father’s economic situation and complains that “my father is not a good father because he does not do this to me”. And when the child’s birthday comes around, the parent cannot buy for the child, the child will have again have the same bad feeling to the parent. If the husband forgets the wife’s birthday because the husband is busy working, the wife will get upset for not remembering her birthday. Hence all negative things come around the birthday and it is not surprising that Islam oppose to that.
Q & A Session
Why does all other Prophets such Prophet Moses (AS) , Prophet Jesus(AS),Prophet Abraham(AS) are common to both Christianity and Islam? Why Prophet Mohammed (SAW) is not present in Christianity?
The reason is that the Prophet Moses (AS), Prophet Jesus (AS), Prophet Abraham (AS) are common to Christianity and Islam, Christianity is the deviation of Islam and what the Prophet Jesus (AS) brought is Islam. It is Paul who taught Christianity. Hence Christians are not following Prophet Jesus’s (AS) teachings but Paul’s teachings .Since Paul’s teachings initially were taken from Islam, which is the reason for the common things between Islam and Christians. Example: The Prophets are similar in both the religions. The reason for Prophet Mohammed (SAW) not recognized as the Prophet in Christianity because it was deviation from the teachings of Prophet Jesus (AS). Hence, Christianity is not going to guide the people to the truth, it will hide the truth, and led them into falsehood. Their path is to the falsehood and leading the people astray. Hence, it will not make sense of that kind of deviated path to recognise Prophet Mohammed (SAW) as Prophet Mohammed (SAW) teachings were truth which contradicts the teachings of Paul and what it came as Christianity.
However, in distorted Gospel, some references in Prophet Jesus (AS) quoting that ‘after he left, there will be another come after him’ and ‘he will not come till he left’. The Christians referred that as the Holy Spirit. However, looking at the reference, it is obvious that it is not the Holy Spirit because Holy Spirit existed at the time of Prophet Jesus (AS) according to the Gospel. Hence, we need to at the references in another light, a light that this referred to an individual and when we do so the description given will fit only Prophet Mohammed (SAW).
How does a Muslim pray for Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
We were commanded to say after the mention of his name,
صلى الله عليه وسلم.
“Allah’s peace and blessings on him”
We are asking Allah (SWT) to bless him.
As he told us to say,
صلى الله عليه وسلم.
The person who does so, Allah will reward & bless the person 10 times.  Hence, we get benefitted while praying for Prophet Mohammed (SAW)
After the Adhan is given, there is a dua in which we ask Prophet Mohammed (SAW), we will ask of ‘Al-Waseela’, for the highest level in paradise which \ will only be given to one individual and he (SAW) wishes that he will be that individual. However some people mistaken waseela as intercession which is wrong. Prophet Mohammed (SAW) explained to Sahaba when they asked him (SAW) about waseela. He explained in Sahih Muslim, it is the highest level of paradise. We ask Allah (SWT) to give him the waseela, the highest level of paradise. It is to elevate his status in paradise. In conclusion, this how we pray for him
Some people may go further and recite the Quran to ask Allah (SWT) to give blessing of the recitation of the Quran to Prophet Mohammed (SAW). These practices are questionable as when we recite the Quran, we need ask for blessing for ourselves. Prophet Mohammed (SAW) has told us on how to pray for him and just let’s use the way he (SAW) told us. We should try to do as much we can for ourselves too.
In Quran and Sunnah, the Kabah is referred as bait-ul-Allah ,the house of Allah/God. There are also several examples whereby Allah (SAW) describes things such as ‘His Spirit’ or ‘His camel. Hence, how does the possession should be interpreted?
In Arabic construction which is similar to English construction, it indicates possession. It is sometime used to indicate the possession of something you own and it is part of your own or something you own and it is not part of your own. This is for example when we say ‘My Hand’, ‘This is Bilal’s Hand’. This is something which we own.  However if we say ‘That is Bilal’s Book’, it is something which Bilal possess but it is not his part of his himself. This expression of possession can have different meaning.
1) It is part of something,
2) It is possess by the thing.
3) It could just merely indication of possession or indication of special honour.
When we say the house in Earth, all of them are Allah’s (SWT) houses because Allah (SWT) is the one who gave us materials and knowledge to build it. They are all belonged to him. However, Allah (SWT) refers to place of worship as bait-ul-Allah, the houses of Allah. Out of some structures which we build on Earth, Allah (SWT) gave special status and honour to some of them. So bait-ul-Allah indicates the possession of honour and no other meanings such as that he habits, or it his.
Another example is نَاقَةُ اللَّهِ , the she camel of Allah. This is the one sent to the people of times in Prophet Salih as a test. When we say it is Khalid camel, we say that the camel belongs to his and he can milk it. However when can say she camel of Allah (SWT), it does not mean that it is the camel which Allah rides on it. Allah (SWT) gave that special elevated status out of all camels because he made it as a miracle to the people. He gave special quality to it which separated it from all the camels. It is also special of honour as it called it as his (SWT).
Out of all mosques, he gave special status to Kabah as the Bayt-ul-Allah. It is the most honourable mosque to Allah (SWT) as Prophet Mohammed (SAW) said one prayer in Kabah is worth 1100 prayer. He (SWT) gave the honor because it is the first place of worship to him. This is how we conceive it .
When Allah says ‘his spirit’ in Quran, some people might mistake, there is Allah’s spirit.  Those people who came from Christian background may think Allah as being a spirit and Allah is in each in of us. It conveys that when Allah (SWT) blow his spirit on Adam (A.S), each one of us have the spirit of Allah (SWT). This is a mistake in the concept. The spirit is created by Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) says that it ‘his spirit’ because he honors and gives a special & elevated status to humans’ .However Prophet Mohammed (SAW) clarified that in the 5th month of human being (when baby is the womb of the mother), the angel will come and blow in that individual. Hence, it is the angel that places the spirit on Adam (AS) and not the Allah (SWT). If we are thinking that Allah (SWT) is blowing physically, we are thinking Allah (SWT) like a man. We are not allowed to conceive Allah in terms of human beings. We have to understand the statements of Allah (SWT). As some of them are metaphorical implication which is used to bring concepts that is closer to us so that we easily could understand. However, we should not fall into the literary understand of that we make Allah (SWT) like his creations as Allah clearly says no one is similar to him.-
So Allah is not spirit nor he has spirit but he created spirit. Like humans or otherwise.
Many of the books or literature may have different degree of information deviant. How does the newly Muslims know whether the information is authentic or reliable? Is there any place or country we could take as example to check whether the source is reliable?
Many of the Islamic books may contain one or more points that are deviant.
If in the book, the author is just telling ideas without any quotation authentic evidence (Quran & Sunnah).  It is clear indication that the book is not reliable. It is also a dangerous book because it is human ideas. Human ideas may be correct or may not be correct. If a man writes something whatever comes to his head, he is able to deviates the people. This is evident from those deviated people, who deviated the people by writings and teachings which had no basis in revelation.
In Islamic books, in regard to seeking knowledge, relationship between man and God, etc; we should seek the books that get the information from the back to the foundation of Islam such as Quran & Sunnah.
It is also preferable to have references rather than just stating ‘in the Quran, it is said.’ The author should indicate the chapter, verses and so on.
If the noble tradition of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) mentioned the should be state the hadith book, example, Bukhari, the volume and page and so on
The more reference it has, the book is more reliable, and as the information can be verified with the source it has given. Hence, then when we can read and check from the source, we will feel more confident and know that the book is reliable.
Those authors who are in the path of deviation, they will not work in this fashion for the most part. Even if they have to quote the reference, it will very vague and we will not be able to check by ourselves.
Hence, in overall, these are the means to check the materials are in sound.
Allah (SWT) has blessed Saudi Arabia with material wealth as well as the center of Islam (Mekkah and Medinah).
Furthermore, there was over hundred years ago, revivalist movement led by scholar, Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb,  from the region of Saudi Arabia who call the people back to the Sunnah in its purity. He was opposed by many of the people including his own father and brother. His brother wrote a book condemning him. However before the scholar passed away, his brother came back and became one of his supporters. He was chased out of his town but eventually he found supports. Together, they set about spreading the teachings as well as reuniting the country. This movement began as the religious movement and to that degree; it has affected the overall direction of the religion in the country. Hence, in Saudi Arabia, there is less innovation in term of day-day of practices of Islam than in most of the countries. To a limited degree people are not doing practices such birthday of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and if you go back and find people doing these practices, this is a sign to question and seek evidences. But this does open the door to all the examples, as there are certain banks in the country which has interest, given and taken. It does not mean that we have to follow this example in our country if it is allowed in Saudi Arabia.
Overall the materials should provide evidences of Quran and Sunnah where we can further research and study.
In recent time, there are people who are reported to be from his family whose characters are questionable. Hence, why do we have to bless the descendants of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
We are enjoined to praise Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and his family. It is in Solat:
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ
People who are today and in the past claim to be from his (SAW) family and descendants. Those people whose are in the practises are deviated and corrupted so should we praise the family of Prophet Mohammed (SAW)?
We are commanded in Solat(5 times a day or more) and to ask Allah(SWT)  to bless the Prophet Mohammed (SAW)’ family. That is enough for us to do praise the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) family.
However, what is understood here is the righteous members of his (SAW) family. As Allah (SWT) told the Prophet Noah (AS) when his son refused to join him (AS) that his son is not from his (AS) family. In terms of biologically, he is Prophet Noah’s (AS) son, but Allah (SWT) told him that the man is not from his (AS) family. Hence anyone who is deviant and corrupted individual is not from the Prophet Mohammed’s (SAW) family even if the individual is his (SAW) biological descendants. Hence the encouragement and commandment to ask the Allah(SWT) to bless Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and his family , meaning to bless Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and his righteous members of his(SAW) family. We should love whom Allah (SWT) & Prophet Mohammed (SAW) loves. Example those who are close to Prophet Mohammed (SAW), we should love them too.
He (SAW) also said that
Anyone who hate my descendants (righteous & biological ones), his faith is nullified.
If we hate those whom Allah (SWT) loves, how can we love Allah (SWT)? . That is the reason those people who ate the companions of Prophet Mohammed (SAW), for examples: Shiites, who claim the vast majority of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) companions have become apostate, the left Islam. They start with Abu Bakr (RA) ,Omer (RA),Uthman (RA), etc who loved Islam. In other words, apostate is someone whom we should hate; hence they hate those whom Prophet Mohammed (SAW) loves. Prophet Mohammed (SAW) married the daughter of Abu Bakr (RA) , Omer(RA) . Prophet Mohammed (SAW) married two of his daughters to Uthman (RA). Hence, this is deviation for sure.
Some people celebrate birthday to thank the God that they are born. Hence, why is it not right to celebrate birthday as form thanking the God?
It has the pagan origin. When we celebrate the birthdays, the intention in general, it is not thanks giving. That is the reason we reject it. If we make it a good thing in terms of thanks giving, we are considering it a religious act which will now be pleasing to the God by giving thanks to the God. Prophet Mohammed (SAW) who brought the final message of Allah (SWT), he (SAW) did not thanks to the God that he (SAW) born. So are you saying that you are better than Prophet Mohammed (SAW)? Since the answer is no, it is not acceptable to thank the god in this kind of fashion.
Is Holy Kabah is situated in the centre of the world?
In geographically, it is Holy Kabah is referred at the center of the world. If we have a sphere, any point upon the sphere is centre. It is a ridiculous statement by the people who want to give Kabah a mystical quality.
When I accepted Islam, some friends of mine said that the birds will not even fly over the Kabah instead they will fly around the Kabah. The forth field prevents them flying over the Kabah. When I went to Umrah, I saw birds flying over the Kabah. When it rains on the Mekkah, people will bring bottles to get water from the Kabah . They will get their robes to get drenched which they are planning to buried with and they will wash it with Zam-Zam water. However the fact is that the water is filled with filth,najasa . This is distortion, misunderstanding and deviating from the practical and real aspects. Hence, not only Kabah, but Masjid Nabawi, Majid Al-Aqsa and even our home is centre of the sphere.
What is the ruling in terms of covering of a Muslimah ? Is she should wear head cover and cover her face? Or is head cover is adequate for her?
Some brothers try to push one position over another position. However, there is sufficient evidence for both situation and support major scholars for both sides. Hence it is not fair if you are an Arab or you understood Arabic, that it is has to be that way as there were Arabic major scholars who do not understand the verses in the light of Arab. It is under individual and looks at the evidences at the both sides and see which sides is more practical and reasonable and apply it. But practically, In America, where women may accept Islam and working to provide for her and family, she may find extreme difficulty in finding job with her head covered. For you to tell her, it is compulsory to cover your face, if you do so you are sinner. You are telling her to stay at home and let her and children to starve at home. We have to take position of leeway in a community and individual approach.

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