The Era of Confusion & Deceit by DR.BILAL PHILPS

*click on the picture, to view Br.Boona Mohammed video :)

*click on the picture, to view Br.Boona Mohammed video :)
Introduction to the deceit era:
If we come to the Satanic Deceit of life, our life is a cursed life. Problems will be added to the problems and there will appear no way out. If we look at the political, we have issues on terrorism and holy wars. Those who spoke recently and previously, they apologize to the Muslim world about their holy wars. We remain ranted holy soldiers, utilizing terrorism to promote our goals. Though one will say, One man is terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. In many cases, those who were terrorists yesterday become freedom fighters today and those freedom fighters yesterday have become terrorists now. The reason is that there is no ground rule. If it is politically expurgate, it will be promoted and in this life, and in this life it deceits.
The formation of deceit in the world:
Furthermore the claim for democracy, secularism, issues of hijab in countries like France, Germany. All of these represent the elements of political deceit. Allah describe our produce as to bring light to the society describing evidence of salvage, behavioral, primitive and works of turns. As result of not doing this, we find many Muslims today bucklering under the political deceit. So sadly, in regards for Islamic Teaching and Principles, it has become fundamentalists, extremist. The moderates are ready to change Islam or abandon the major practices and they are the one who put forth as the best examples to the rest of Muslims, they are handpicked and chosen in the Muslim world or non-Muslim world as the example to the rest of the Muslim Ummah.
Examples of deceit:
The morals are diseased, the moral defeat can be found in prevalence of pornography on televisions, magazines, newspapers in our times.
The pornography which is called artistic expression .It is the adultery and fornication causes to call upon sexuality, alternative lifestyle. The sex education is supposed to prevent the sexually intervened diseases and unwanted practices but this is the introduction to sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted practices have increased.
The co-education is represented as the superior, preparation for the real world. The modern education is recognized that sexual education triggers. However, it is still promoted throughout the world as being the superior.
It revives about Muslims where they have suffered on the morals deceit where we have them descending protecting those who are engaged in what is called as the honor killings, Quran circumcision, women etc. Practices and attributes to Muslims as a result of religious deceit.
The Greatest form of Deceit:
But the greatest deceit, it is a deceit regards to Allah (SWT). As Allah describes in Surah Luqman verse 33,
“Nonetheless, you are deceiver, deceived you about Allah”
This is the worst form of deceit. The reason is that the political deceit, moral deceit, sins can be polluted. However, deceit about Allah (SWT) is the ultimate destruction, complete loss of the whole purpose of our existence. This is the most dangerous of force form of deceit. The weapons of our society stand in the deceit of Allah. And, that deceit has been existed long time ago.
It began in the beginning of the era of known as the Christian Era when Paul change the teaching of Prophet Jesus (A.S). He changed those teachings to another religion which he called as the Christianity and that spreads. Those who adhere the teaching of Prophet Jesus (A.S) were run down and their books were burnt and they were declared as the apostates. They were deceived about Allah (SWT). Till this date, the Christian world of 1 billion people are deceived about Allah (SWT) .They believe that Allah became a man and they worship that man. They are thinking and deceiving that they are worshipping Allah.
Similarly, Hindus represent another billion of human kind. They are deceived, thousands of years ago, sacred that Allah became a man, animals and variety of different things.
China and Russia all these countries were deceived atheism as the state religion. Atheism that teaches there is no god. That is the ultimate deceit
However Allah(SWT) told is Surah Al-'An`am (6:112)
And thus we have made for every prophet an enemy - devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and that which they invent.
He (SWT) also say in surah Maryam verse 83
Do you not see that We have sent the devils upon the disbelievers, inciting them to [evil] with [constant] incitement?
So Allah says that to leave them, our emergence should not be focused on them, our emergence should focus on ourselves and our own situation. The situation which have ability to change and it is within our means, power and ability.
Lessons from the past:
Here in the West and UK, what is the challenge to the Muslims here? What is it that they have to tackle, change? When they tackle the deception do they have to overcome or clear it?
Allah SWT in surah Nisa verse 97, he (SWT) said to the believers
Indeed, those whom the angels take [in death] while wronging themselves - [the angels] will say, "In what [condition] were you?" They will say, "We were oppressed in the land." The angels will say, "Was not the earth of Allah spacious [enough] for you to emigrate therein?" For those, their refuge is Hell - and evil it is as a destination.
Indeed,the angels will ask those whom died while oppressing/upsetting themselves
Surah At-Talaq (65:1), Allah says:
Whoever goes beyond limits of Allah has certainly oppressed him by himself.
And in Surah An-Nisa (4:97),
For those whose souls in state of disobedience to Allah (SWT) are taken away by angels, they will be asked in what state you are. Then they will reply, “We were weak and oppressed in the land”. The angels will say “Was not the earth of Allah spacious [enough] for you to emigrate therein”. For those, their refuge is Hell – an evil it is as a destination.
This is the challenge and the root ways. This is why Omar bin Khattab (R.A.) made the Muslim calendar from the time of Hijra of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) but not by his (SAW) birth. The Hijra was the turning point of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Muslims will be able to resolve the issues of their faith year. The Hijra of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), is when the companions who went to Abyssinia .The name Hijra was within the Arabia and the country, and they established the Muslim Ummah.
This is the challenge of Muslim here to establish Muslim community. And, this is where the Shaytan is busy, where Shaytaan saying “No you don’t want the Muslims to get hold”, “No, it will be too difficult for proper Muslims to move in one area of the country” “We bought our home here and to sell it..” etc. We will find thousands of one excuses of why you cannot do it.
However in surah l-taghabun verse 14
“Oh believers, truly among your wives and your children are some that are enemies to yourself, so beware of them”
Ibn Abbas the commentary of Quran say that this verse is revealed confirming some Meccans and from Mecca onwards who were prevented from migrating to Medina to join Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in the early stages. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is given the command in Hijra to call upon the Ummah. And, numbers of them were prevented by the wives and children from joining the Hijra, migration to Medina. As the result when later joined, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Medina, when they learnt that all the early immigrants learnt about the Islam, they were so upset that they wanted to punish their wives. When the wives were saying “You can’t go there to that region”,” You have life in mecca, your children are here, and your friends are here”” We do not know anybody in Medina.” Those converts wanted to punish them. So Allah revealed it.
Applications from the past:
So we are supposed to learn from them. We are supposed to know that making that Hijri year in this country is possible. That is something we need to do. We need to create Muslim community. And not based on the nationalistic, ethical community like Somalia, Bengali, Pakistani, Arab community. We do not need Arab, Bengali town. What we need is Muslim town. That’s what we need.
And this is serious because Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said in an authentic narration. “I am innocent of every Muslim who lives in the midst of disbelievers.” The companions asked “ Ya Rasul’allah ,why?.” He (saw) answered “You do not seek the outsiders”. Those who were constantly behind you, next to you, your neighbours, they should be Muslims .That’s the way Muslim are supposed to live in.
However on circumstances, where it miscarriages the offense of the settlements when they came to them and they are engaged in practises with them, there were some Muslims with them .Those Muslims who prostate to demonstrate those from the non-Muslim military deception in a day of non-Muslims. But deceptions were moving too late, and they killed them along with the non-believers.
When this was told to Prophet Muhammad (SAW), he ordered that those Muslims who were killed among the disbelievers, they should get only half of the compensation. However, normally when Muslims were killed, they will get full compensation. However, because they were living among disbelievers, their neighbours were disbelievers, so they were only gotten half of the compensation.
This is enough for us. He (SAW) said in another narration which is also in Tirmidhi , “ Do not live among the idolaters for one does so is like them”. This is the instruction of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and this it is in front of us.
This is the challenged we face. As a result of living as we live today, we have fall under the other warnings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) of times said to come. “Certainly there will be among my followers those who make the allowance the fornication and adultery, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcohol and musical instruments.”
In another narration Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari says that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that “Some people in my Ummah will drink alcohol naming /giving it another name”, “Musical Instruments will be played over their heads and singing of woman will entertain them “. This is the times we are living where Riba is justified on the other names, student loan etc. We fall into it and curse by Allah (SWT).
So my brothers and sister, we have challenges to meet, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) gave us final piece of advice with regards to deceit our digital lives. There are questions that what is most people will fall into deceit, they are health and spare time.
It is killing time and doing foolishness. If you are finished and find time to spare on phone call, worship Allah in doing what is pleasing to him. Convey the message of Allah to people of this land. It is our individual duty and most of you all are students in the university, sitting in classes and making notes. Most of you are not paying anything to that, you study mid-years or move on. You talked to them (non-Muslims) about everything under the sun but you don’t say anything to them about Islam. This is criminal, sinful and the opportunity will not come again.
We have health which Allah (SWT) blessed us with, we have feeling in our life and the strength, and we can change things.
So my brothers and sisters come and change things .Lets, change the situation here. Create environment, community for Muslims where Islam can be demonstrated at the community level. We do not have to go wiping out the political post and go against the Islamic teachings & Islamic Principles. No Muslim is allowed to join this kind of political party because this is pledging oneself to displease Allah (SWT).
Instead we create our own areas and environment where our representative represents us. We know them, they are righteous, and they are knowledgeable and can represent us. The committee is smart, quick seeking, witty and know about being righteous. To represent righteous community, we want our representatives to also to be like us.
So my brothers & sister, let’s take this challenge, the challenge to overcome the deceit which Satan put among us here. Forsake the sake of dunya, running out to dunya. Leave behind our religion in our own lands. Waiting generation here whose Islam has been utilised, Muslims who have become in fact non-Muslim. This is what we have for generation of Muslims to stand; we want to make changes and turn to back to times. We want generation upon us who fear Allah (SWT) and this can only be done if they are raised in Muslim community. They are going to Muslim schools, frequenting Muslim establishments, having friends and companions of Muslims. We are not saying that we are not dealing with the non –Muslims because we are living in a country with people of non-Muslims but we have to deal with them in the purpose of Dawah, conveying the message of Islam to them.
We live in an era of deceits; we need to know where the deceit began, from the time of Adam (A.S.) till our time. We still hear people saying young people are coming up or some people saying to them that that everything in Islam is haram. You Muslims live a very viler life. But in reality, during Adam (A.S), it was ordered everything is allowed except for that one tree. However Satan came to them and said that the in one tree, you have to eat from them. God does not forbid everything; there are thousands of things that are halal. For every forbidden thing, there is thousand and one permissible thing just like it. But the Satan made the deception that the forbidden one the most appealing. So the media promotes it, and we, our family, our children here feels that everything is not complete unless we get that haram. There is no point and we can enjoy our life if we don’t do that haram. This is the deceit and comes in advance. We can only change it if we change the environment by instilling Islamic values.
So I call you brothers and sisters, to put our hands together, put our effort together and we can do it. If the non- Muslims can do it based on cultural identity. The traditional Muslims, cultural Muslims can do it based on nationalism. And surely we, who believed in Allah (SWT) and committed to practise Islam, fear Allah (SWT) can also do it.
I would like you all to go home tonight thinking about it and fear Allah.
“Whoever fears Allah, Allah will make a way”.
If, you are asking on how to do it,
You will know how to do it and you can do that, there are enough people among you who are knowledgeable to lay the plan.
Let’s just do it.
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