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1)Your duas might not be answered by Allah because of your sins. One of the things that causes our duas to not be accepted by Allah is our sins. One of the examples that the Prophet (salAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) gave us is that of a person who's sustenance, their earnings, aren't halal and that's one of the reasons their duas aren't being answered.
2)You might be asking for something that haram, or impermissible, in Islam. For example, if you're making dua to go to Vegas to gamble, it may be that Allah is protecting you from that sin.
3) Allah know that perhaps what you're asking for isn't actually good for you. For example, let's say your making dua to get married to a particular person. And Allah knows that marrying that person wouldn't be good for you and doing so would cause a lot of pain and suffering in your life. And, for that reason Allah doesn't answer it.
4)Allah has something better in store for you in the hereafter and he wants to reward you with something better.
5)It may be that the answer is simply being delayed. It could be that by consistently making this dua you're coming closer to Him so He continues to delay the answer. It could be that Allah is testing you because He loves you. Recognize that perhaps it's a test and you'll be rewarded for your persistence.
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