Saturday 22 March 2014

Wolves in Sheep Clothing.

*PS: Click on the picture , to go for video :)

Wolves in Sheep Clothing.
When we speak of the enemies of Islam : Jews, Christians and Hindus come into our mind. As all of them believe that Islam should be removed from worldmap.
However, these Enemies of Islam have not actually harmed the ummah as bad as some particular individuals. They are more destructive and vile than those whom we consider enemies. What they have done to the ummah and continue to do is simply unparalleled. The matter gets worse when one realises that muslims are unaware of the damage they have done.

Who are they?  
They are the Shia; The rejected.
They have done so many things openly and secretly; In every single event in the history, they have worked hand in hand with enemies of Muslims, for e.g: against the Turks, the Tattaris etc.
The enemity and hatred that they have is beyond description.

Following are their types:
The extremists:  they give Hazrat Ali (R.A) the status of God.
The vast majority have a belief system which is very shocking.


Everything that came into different groups was from Abdullah ibn Sabaee,a Yahoodi. A Jewish Hypocrite. He entered Islam to destroy it from within. They claim that Ali (R.A) was a Prophet. Then they took another step, they said Ali (R.A) is Allah. When Ali (R.A) heard about them, he called them and burned them. However, some of them ran away.
They also claimed that Ali comes into clouds and the thunder is his voice and lightning is his smile. The believer can never  put his faith in such senseless statements.

Established by Atheists, fireworshippers and another bunch of disbelievers. They started their belief from Ahl-e-Bait, supposedly. They declared Kufr against anyone who denied their belief. The alleged love of theirs made them declare Sahaba being Kuffar. Subsequently, they also declared that Quran is changed by Ahl-e-Sunnah and it is not reliable.

Ali (R.A) to them is Allah. they believe in reincarnation of souls. They do not fast during Ramadhan and they make sujood to their imams. The videos could be found on youtube. They also claim that all sahaba were deviated because they didn’t believe in Ali (R.A).

They are not the majority. They simply rejected the other sahaba and believe that Ali (R.A) is superior to others. Some of them who rejected the authority of AbuBakr(R.A) and Umar (R.A) are known as Rafidha.

You will find actual copies of their books . Their own scanned images of their books are present on internet.

Moreover, They believe that Jibraell (A.S) made a mistake in delivering the revelation to the right person. According to them Ali(R.A) was supposed to be the recipient. Their belief means that Allah is not capable of making correct decisions. And Jibraeel  (A.S) continued the same mistake for 23 years and Allah never corrected him, which is out of human mind.

A title of their book is:
“The decisive say on the proof of alteration of the book of the Lord of the Lords”.
The author says that Quran has a Surah known as Surah Al Wilaya. And an ayat in this Surah says:
“O believers! Believe in the Prophet and the Wali (who is Ali R.A according to them) and the two individuals whom we sent to guide you.”

What is the real problem?
The problem with these individuals is that they belive its halal to lie. Their religion is based on false hood. Even they fabricate ayats themselves. They claim that Quran was originally 17000 ayats and the Khulafah removed them because all of them were in favour of the Shi’ites. They believe that today we have a distorted version of Quran.
To them, the Sahaba are Murtadden except three: Abu zar Al Ghffari. Al Maqtaad ibn Aswed and Salman Farsi. Everybody else left islam.
Whereas, Allah never mentioned any such concept in Quran. Allah describes the status and virtues of companions of Prophet (S.A.W.W) in Quran.
And also, At the time of Treaty of Hudaibiyah, the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.W) claimed that None of those who took pledge on Prophet’s (S.A.W.W)hand would enter hellfire.
Prophet said do not curse my Sahaba.While their Deen is infact to curse them and speak ill about them.
A scholar said, if these Shia would have been cattle, they would have been donkeys.

Further Beliefs:
They report that a servant was with Ali (R.A)and inquired about Hazrat Abu Bakr(R.A) and Umar(R.A) to which Ali replied: ”They are Kuffar, whoever loves them is also amongst Kuffar.”
They also claims that their Imams are flawless. They are so pure that they came out of their mother’s thighs to maintain purity, not the normal birth. They commit shirk in calling on them and doing tawaf on their graves etc.
A video was made by CNN titled God’s Warriors which talked about Judiasm, Christianity and Hinduism. When they talked about Islam, 90% of the people which they selected were Shia. In the documentary, islam was presented as totally different religion than the one which we follow.
Al-Ja’afar  claim that Imam knows when they will die, also they have a choice to make either they want to die or not. This is not the end, Al-Khumainii in his book says Prophet (S.A.W.W) says that Prophet (S.A.W.W) failed in his mission of bringing people into the light out of the darkness. He doesn’t even salutates the Prophet (S.A.W.W) and Allah(SWT).
Al Majlis said in Mirat ul Uqool, the 12 imams are better than all the prophets except Prophet (S.A.W). They say imamiites is the core of the deen, not tauheed. They believe no deeds will be accepted unless you believe in this concept. The last imam is Muhammad bin Hassan Al Askari whom they call Mehdi. He was born in year 256 and disappeared in 260 and then came out 329 and then again diappeared and is still hidden somewhere in a tunnel.

The point is:
As one of their imam is still hidden, how could they put bayi’ah on him and eventually their own deeds are not accepted and so the tables turnover.

They also say Ali (R.A) should have been Khalifah of Prophet (S.A.W.W)

Prophet (S.A.W.W) himself said that after him Abu Bakr (R.A) should be called upon to decide on the matters.
Allah refuses and we all muslims too anyone who gives preference to anyone above Abu Bakr (R.A).

Shias curse AbuBakr in their salah.

Muhammad bin Hanifia said to his father Ali,
Who is the best after Prophet(S.A.W.W), he said Abu Bakr, (R.A) he also asked then who, he said Umar (R.A). Ali (R.A) said, I am only one of the Muslims. He also mentioned this in a congregation on a Mimbar in Kufa.
Political Evidence:
What the Shi’ites are doing in Iraq and Yemen is the evidence of what they believe and are instructed to do.

They call the Sunnis Nasibees and consider them Kaafir. Also all the rulers who ever ruled a muslim country are also considered Kaafir and Taaghoot (one who is worshipped beside Allah SWT). Their leader gave laanah to all of the sunnis.

Absurd Concepts:
In Minhaaj us Saadiqeen (the methodology of the truthful), author said, if someone doesn’t practise Mutu’aah, they are not upon the Deen, indeed the child that is born in Mut’aah is better than the child born in wedlock. Mutu’aah is basicaly the unlawful intimacy between a man and a woman, where a woman gets pregnant and give birth to a child. Th
is is simply Zinah. He also said, if you don’t belive in Mutaah, you have left Islam.
Furthermore, they belive in AT-Taqqiyah. From the word Taqwa. Al Kuliyani said Fear from your deed, hide it away with Taqiyyah. According to their principles they are allowed to swear falsely in the name of Allah and this video is available on youtube. This is simply lying. That’s why ulemah say that they are the biggest liars ever existed.
Furthermore, they hold high values for  Karbala which  means
Karb: distress and Bala which is calamity. This place for them is better than Makkah and Madina. Going there is better than going for hajj. They also say that if you gather at Karbala on the day of Hajj, it is better than standing in Arafah where other fornicators (Ahl e sunna) are standing.

What is our position?
We follow the right way and don’t belong to any group. We follow the way and methodology of our predecessors.
Imam Malik said, “do not speak to them.”
You cannot have a friend who is Shia. Having a Christian friend is less harmful than having Shia frnd. Don’t take risks which may harm your iman.
They are trying to create fitnah and turmoil in Muslms.

Our religion denies any unity with these individuals because they deny of what we believe in. And it may create division among Muslims eventually. History is full of their treachery agains Sunnis so we have to be beware and deny those who eneter their faith somehow.

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