Saturday 22 March 2014

#Gems from Monthly Bayan -16/3/2014

#Gems from Monthly Bayan -16/3/2014
From the drought that we have experienced in the past few days, we have learnt the importance of water.
Water is the BARAKAH of Allah, So, we should take some precautionary things.
-Allah does not like anyone who waste or use the resources excessively. This is actually what Shaytaan does.
-Do not waste too much water as this is not only wasting the resources but it is also going against the Sunnah of PBUH.
#Do take note that making wudhu x3 is sufficient for the wudhu to take place as this will ensures that the water reaches all the body parts.
*Thing To Take Note: Normally, in today’s time, we see many individuals are not doing wudhu properly , we often see people’s earlobes are not dampened by water etc. So, In Shaa Allah, strive to follow the Sunnah way of making sure that the water reaches all the body parts.
1.1) Waswasa
Some people have the disease in their hearts where they are not able to follow the Sunnah of doing wudhu just x3 times. They will do multiple times which is exceeding the number of times that our PBUH has taught us.
-IF, we have that disease/habit of making wudhu more than x3 and we still feel not clean, that we should know that we are suffering from the WasWasa of Shaytaan.
-Alhamdullilah, there is a solution for it. If you are suffering from it, there is a Quranic solution which is to recite An-Nas Surah. And, this very practical step as most of us has already committed the Suran in our memory.
- WasWasa from Shaytaan happens in many stages of our lives. For example, we can experience it while we are making Salah and we will then remember about out car keys etc.
- However, we should take note that WasWasa for the wudhu is very critical as it will not allow us to concentrate during our Salah. The reason is that we all know that without the wudhu , our Salah is not accepted.
-And, at the same time, we should not take the matter(wudhu) lightly. As, we all know any waste(urine/etc) in our body/clothes will invalidate our Salah. So, we have to strike a balance in this issue.
So, how can it be done?
- We all know that staining our clothes with urine might happen very easily (For MEN) as most of the Men are wearing pants on daily basis etc.
- If, you (MEN) have the tendency to stain your clothes with urine. You can do the following steps, to escape from WasWasa and at the same time, you can follow the rulings of Wudhu.
-Make sure go to the toilete 10/15 minutes before Salah, and then make wudhu. If, you have more time, you can also change your clothes. Then, after that, do no go for toilet again until you finish your Salah.
2.Precautionary Acts To Preserve Natural Resources:
-Do not throw rubbish/or pass urine in the running water . PBUH have told us not to pass urine/waste in the running water.
-Nowadays, we can see people who will just pass urine in the swimming pool and not being concerned for other people.  If, you belong to that group, do ponder about it and think whether is it part of Islam? And, please stop it (LOL)
Building more artificial DAMS and Infrastructures to conserve natural resources:
-We do have realized that government initiatives to build more dams are not the permanent solutions. And, thus, we should still consider to preserve our original natural resources provided by Allah (SWT).
2.1 Grow Trees
-There is no religion in the world except Islam which encourages growing trees. Every Muslim, who has the capability should grow trees.
-As a Muslim, we will get the benefit of Sadaqah Jariah.
So, why is it so important to grow trees?
-By doing so, the animals/humans will get benefits from it even if you have passed away.
Interesting Point:
-Allah(SWT) gives the importance of Trees not only in this Dunya but also in Akhira. We all know about Jannah Tree (Tooba) which Allah(SWT) explained in the Quran.
Wisdom/Control of Allah:
A) All the precautionary things mentioned above are just the initiatives of humans. However, we should also rely on Allah, La Hawla Wa La Quwatta Illa Billah.
-This can be seen by the everyday signs that Allah (SWT) provide us. One of the sign is the “Malaysian Airlines Plane” accident. Allah(swt) showing us that no matter how we are technologically advanced, we are not as advanced as Allah(SWT). He is the only one who is able to control over the situations.
#Hence, without Ibaadat/DUA to Allah, we will not be able to achieve the results (preserve the natural resources).
B) If, Allah wants to punish the society (those who are going against the Laws Of Allah), Allah (SWT) will punish them/teach them by stopping the rain.
-It’s the way where Allah (SWT) is bringing the humans back to him as we have no choice but to return to Allah and seek help from it. Indeed, we belong to Allah and we will return to him
Bi) so what kind of DUA we should make?
-We should first ask forgiveness (Istigfaar) from Allah. If, we ask forgiveness from Allah, HE will not only bless us with the constant water supply and but HE will also bless us with the righteous children etc.
C)Gift To Our Ummah:
Every Good Deed which we are doing it is equivalent to 10 Good Deeds.
Every Bad Deed which we are doing it is equivalent to 1 Bad Deed.
Yet, we should not take the haram matters lightly as it will corrupt our heart badly. So, what we should do to remove those bad deeds.
1) Make Taubah- It will erase the black dot(bad deed) from our heart
2) Do A Good Deed- This is the way of recompensing our sin.
-Making Salah & Giving Importance to It:
Narration of PBUH:
-A companion of PBUH who have just came to Islam recently,did a sin (he kissed  a woman in the market).
- And, he did not know what to do to remove his sin. So, he went to PBUH and asked for a solution.
-Before giving any solution,PBUH ask him to make Salah.
-In the Salah, the companion made a *SINCERE* taubah and he cried from his hearts out.
- When, he returned back , he asked the punishment for his SIN from PBUH.
-The PBUH told him that his Salah erased his SIN which he has committed.
*Do take note that, our Salah should be SINCERE like those companions in order for us to get benefitted the same way.
Another Narration Of PBUH:
-One of the companions of PBUH, he used to bury female babies and he even encouraged others to do the same during his Jahil days.
-After, the companion embraced Islam, he asked for the punishment that he did during his Jahil days.
-The PBUH gave him the good news that since he realized his mistake , his SINS are forgiven.
-However, this did not stop the Sahabi from doing good deeds. From, that day onwards, he started to adopt any orphan children in the streets.
4) Halal Earnings:
Imaam Hanifa rahmatullah, used to be a business man. And, he had very honest business ethics.
There was once, he told his worker to do a trading in the following manner:
-He separated the garments into two sides. And, he told his worker, which is the bad quality and good quality. Then, he told the worker to let the people/customers to know about when they are buying the garments.
-But the worker failed to follow his instructions. Instead, he sell everything in the same manner and he did not inform the customers about it. And, after the sales, he gave a large profit of money to Imaam Hanifa.
-Immam Haniffa told his worker that he is not a worker that Imaan Haniffa desires or looking for because he did not follow the Imaam Haniffa instructions and did not fear Allah.
- Despite, being disturbed by his worker’s sin, he forgave him and did not fire him from his job.
-Moreover, he asked the worker to give all the profits as a charity to the people.
-This shows that how we are lacking from the Islam Business Ethics. And, we have to improve on that.
Other Things To Do:
1) Ask Forgiveness from Allah for all the believers
2)Think about your sins and how you should remove it.
3)Make DHIKR after Salah (subhanAllah Wabihamdi, SubanAllah Adhim)
4) Recite Quran
-Start to make efforts to learn Tajweed & Tafseer
-We are living in a sad state where Muslims are not giving the importance to the Islamic knowledge as compare to the worldly knowledge.
-Do take note that our efforts in learning the Quran are not wasted. For every letter we recite, we are receiving 10 good deeds.
5)Do Tasbih
-Do make a habit of saying Alhamdullilah while doing daily routines. Do not constrain yourself that by doing it only after Salah. Make it as habit to do it when you receive good news or after you have eaten nice food etc.
-And, always start something with Bismillah.
What has the Shaykh Take Note from Saudi Arabia:
-We all know that Saudi Arabic is flourished with money etc. And, we know the reason, it is due to prophet Ibrahim(AS) dua. And, we can also see what the people in Saudi Arabia are doing. Though, they are doing bad deeds etc, they have some interesting good virtues which is blessed by Allah(SWT).
1) They make a point of making Salah at correct timing and they do it anywhere, no matter what.
2) They have a habit of saying Alhamdullilah, MashAllah, and they always constantly in a state of praising Allah(SWT) in their daily routine life.
3) They have wonderful habit of honoring the guests.
#Do make a point of saying La Hawla Wa La Quwaata Illa Billah or Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'oon, when you are facing problems.
4) Making Salawat .

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