Saturday 22 March 2014

Valentines Day- DeenShow

The Deen Show.
Doctor Abdul Hakeem Quick on Valentine’s Day.
Author of Holiday Myths.
From the beginning of time, people worshipped in different ways. There are people who base their religion on natural things like sun and seasons. Also on reproduction. These nature groups spread throughout the world. The Romans used to react against people who believe a single God and they used to torture them. After all the amalgamation of different worshippers, what came out was a mixture of all of them.
Going into January, the solar calendar tells us that January is not the new year. The Latin tells us that December is the tenth month of solar year and so February is the twelth month.
In February, there was a celebration done by the Roman called The Luparcalia, which was based upon their Gods, February is also named upon their God. They used to gather large crowds of young people and used to call out names of women, put them in a large container and the men would choose them and have sexual intimacy with them. It is based on a Cupid Concept which comes out of Greek word Eros which means Erotica,i.e: sexuality. A religious preist named Valentine went against this custom and so he was executed. On the day of his execution he wrote a letter to a young couple getting married which he signed as “From your Valentine”, so that’s where this word comes from.
Present Condition.
Today, it seems like celebrating this day is innocent but actually it comes as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The reality is it is an occasion where fornication and rapes occur. That’s why we see pictures of cupid for love. Erotica is this concept which pushes people to loose sexual contacts causing unwanted pregnancies and mental pressures too.
Don’t play around with the devil, don’t be fooled by such immature and senseless concepts. Quran brought us a beautiful example of the relationships via Halaal methods.
Society teaches people how to proceed further in such relations even cartoons are not safe today. Quran tells us “wa laa taqrabuz-zina”. When it comes to adultery, Allah says in Surah Isra that don’t come near it. He warns coming even near it. Sexuality is natural, its something that takes really hard to stop. It has to be done in respectful and organised manner.
What to Do?
This Valentine starts with an innocent notion but turns out really harmful.
Being alone with opposite sex also comes under Zina. The decline of moral society has led to a society which has no limits and respect for relationships. So many people are carrying sexually transmitted diseases. Energy of the youth must now be directed towards other activities like sports rather than leading towards such a loose society. Contemplation over Allah’s Creation and nature must be done. Such activities and thinking upon Allah’s mercy would lead to overcome this felony. No matter how much sins you have committed, no sin is too great for Creator in this life. Best of the sinners are those who repent.

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